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DeFi Systems Thinker - Sharing DeFi strategies, insights, & analysis to help you level up. Partner @0xCoinshift. DMs open for deals.

Jul 23, 2022, 19 tweets

The 10 must-have Crypto research tools I use every day:

(most are free)

Uniwhale (Analytics dashboard)

I use this to track bridge activity across different layer 1s.

Polygon (MATIC) has been on a roll lately.

I can use UniWhale to look at the deposits + withdrawals and get a bigger picture of Layer 1 trends.

Dune Analytics (Analytics Dashboards)

Dune lets you visualize different metrics into easy-to-understand charts.

Everything from DeFi usage down to dapp-specific dashboards.

I invest in GMX and found a dashboard that helps me see important indicators.

Crypto Panic (News Aggregator)

This is where I get most of my Crypto news (outside of Twitter).

Think of it like Reddit for Crypto news.

The amount of news can be overwhelming.

I sort by "Important" to help filter the signal from the noise.

Santiment (Crypto Intelligence)

Most people look at price charts.

That's it.

Sanbase allows you to combine prices with other behaviors.

You can see price + development activity + social trends.

(and many other indicators)

Nansen (On Chain Analytics)

The best feature is "Smart Money" - these are profiles that have demonstrated a history of kicking ass.

(Such as funds and first movers)

Use it to see what smart money's buying, and get in before the YouTubers start making videos.

Messari (Market Intelligence)

I'd describe Messari as a swiss army knife.

• Charts
• Price Data
• Research Reports
• Community Screeners

One of the best values in Crypto at $25/month.

Token Terminal (Crypto Financial Data)

People are tired of inflationary tokens and printed money.

They want to see real revenue being generated.

Use Token Terminal to see which blockchains and dapps are making money.

Fear & Greed Index (Sentiment Indicator)

Your Twitter feed is tricky.

What if you're following a bunch of bulls, and they're always optimistic.

I check the fear & greed index to get a better idea of how the market feels.

DeFiLlama (DeFi Analytics)

I'm heavy into Alt layer 1s - DeFiLlama helps me compare them through the Total Value Locked metrics.

The biggest use case of DeFillama for me is it helps me find hidden gems in each ecosystem.

Here's how:

I'm a fan of AVAX, and I haven't kept up with the ecosystem.

I'm looking for:
• At least $1m > in TVL.
• What has a high +7d% week over week (shows some traction)

EverRise checks the boxes.

I'll add it to my list to research.

(This is NOT an endorsement to buy)

DexScreener (Real-time price charts)

I use this to set watch lists of my portfolio and to create price alerts.

Think about a big event.

An influencer shills a project, or there's an exploit.

You can see the real-time buying and selling action with this tool.

This Isn't a Complete List

Off the top of my head, I also use Glassnode, Trading View, Coingecko, IntotheBlock, etc.

The ones that I listed here are my "must haves" that I use everyday as part of my research process.

I don't want to overwhelm you with too many options.

Think About Your Workflow

I designed my research process FIRST, and then the tools helped me.

You can tell that:
1) I'm into Alt Layer 1s
2) I'm a visual learner
3) I like finding tokens that are trending and are > $1m

These tools aid my investing and trading style.

I am NOT Trading Now

I'm still in ETH/stables, along with various small bets.

I'm researching every day to stay on top of trends and to get a sense of future narratives forming.

Don't feel the pressure to sign up and use every tool.

This is my career - I have 12+ hours a day to dedicate to this.

Most of the time you don't need more tools.

You actually need to use what you already have.

Research is How You Get an Edge

Reading the same threads and watching the same videos as everyone else doesn't give you an edge.

Edges come from doing hard research and thinking.


No one paid me.
No one gifted me a free account.

You signing up for anything does not help me with my child support payments. 😆

Also, don't FOMO into buying tools thinking they're a magic bullet.

Try out the free/trial versions first.

1. Follow me @thedefiedge because I'm still grinding in the bear market.

2. Subscribe to TheDeFiEdge.com for exclusive content each week (it's free)

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