Thomas Massie Profile picture
U.S. Representative KY4, Engineer, Farmer, Inventor. 30 patents. Appalachian American. MIT SB93 SM96 #sassywithmassie #politicalsciencedenier pronoun: Pappaw

Jul 24, 2022, 9 tweets

Every weekend I come back to Kentucky and try to purge my brain of the hypocrisy and stupidity I’ve witnessed in Congress the week before. Otherwise, it just piles up.

It’s noon on Sunday and I still haven’t purged the nonsense I dealt with in person this past week.🧵

I heard the Democrats argue vociferously that a wrist brace is a bump stock. If there was any doubt of their profound ignorance, they removed it by displaying a poster of the wrist brace and reiterated it would facilitate full-auto fire.

I witnessed almost every democrat on the Judiciary committee call the most common rifle sold in the United States a “weapon of war,” and then heard them argue passionately that the Department of Education and the USDA needed these “weapons of war.”

I listened to every single one of them argue that firearms manufacturers should be liable for the acts of criminals, and follow that up by voting against removing immunity for pharmaceutical companies even when they are clearly negligent!

I heard Secretary Buttigieg say that high gas prices would be beneficial, and describe electric cars as very affordable.

I asked the Secretary if he knew what impact Biden’s electric car mandate would have on the grid and he did not, or he chose to ignore it. When presented with the math, he seemed unable or unwilling to acknowledge the magnitude of the electric consumption.

I watched a stacked deck of witnesses argue that inventors do not deserve a day in a real courtroom when big tech steals their inventions. They claim an executive branch tribunal can function independently of politics, even though the Supreme Court ruled that it’s not even legal.

I watched them pass a bill on a party line vote that banned a weapon if it looked a certain way, but not ban that very same weapon if it looked a different way, while they assured the public that this would make them safer.

I could go on. This is just a sampling of what I witnessed personally and pushed back against this past week.

I’ve got a few more hours to get ready for more of the same insanity this coming week.

I appreciate your support!

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