Ben Lorber Profile picture
Senior Research Analyst @PRAEyesRight. I research, write & train on the U.S Right. Co-authoring a book on antisemitism @melvillehouse. stutterer he/him

Jul 24, 2022, 15 tweets

A peak into the USA's Gen Z fascist vanguard-🧵on some groypers & other white Christian nationalists at @TPUSA #SAS2022 in Tampa FL this weekend- the student summit of the US's largest campus conservative org, where Trump, MTG & many other MAGA leaders are speaking

There's Carson Wolf, TPUSA leader & sophomore at Texas A&M, who was a diehard Nick Fuentes acolyte before backing away a couple months ago to rebrand his white Christian nationalist activism under American Virtue (more on that below)

There's white nationalist antisemitic streamer 'Based Brant', real name Brandt Wiggins, a groyper micro-influencer pictured here w/Fuentes in Vegas last week. Wiggins is active in campus & Young Republican organizing in the New Orleans area.

There's groyper streamer Reggie Amerson aka King Knub, who works with Red Liberty Media & the Fuentes-aligned Stew Peters Show, & claims to have launched a 2024 campaign for Arkansas State Rep in District 33.

There's groyper leader Tyler Russell, who used to host the Fuentes-copycat show Canada First before apparently moving to the US recently.

There's white Christian nationalist streamer AJ Willms, who regularly posts antisemitism & 'white genocide' content (here, two examples from last two weeks). Willms is a frequent guest on Elijah Schaffer's show at Glenn Beck's BlazeTV outlet, which has also hosted Nick Fuentes

In a recent stream, AJ Willms called on conservative Christians to 'distance themselves as much as possible' from & hold 'no relations with' Jews, in a video riddled with centuries of Euro-Christian antisemitic canards

Willms runs an org called National Traditionalism with Jack Andersson, president of TPUSA at UW-Madison, who is also at #SAS2022 this weekend. NT's platform is white nationalist & antisemitic, calling for political social & demographic dominance of straight white Christian men

Then there was Friday night's summit by American Virtue, a group w/close ties to the groypers. At last year's conference, the crowd chanted Nick Fuentes' name; this year, he again got a shoutout from the audience. Multiple GOP electeds & candidates spoke

AV dropped the name American Populist Union after getting bad press for scheduling a rally on Hitler's birthday. On Friday, Ultra-MAGA Florida State Rep Anthony Sabatini, & candidates Mike Crispi, Don Huffines & Matt Heilman spoke at Friday's summit…

Speakers railed against 'great replacement' & called the US a 'Christian nation' at Friday's summit, & told the Gen Z crowd to 'get in the game' at the grassroots- by joining local GOP precinct committees & other party infrastructure, supporting candidates & running for office.

These may well be some of tomorrow's conservative leaders, embedded w/in & supported by institutions like TPUSA, the Leadership Institute & local GOP infrastructure, helping pull the conservative movement towards more extreme & uncompromising white Christian nationalism

Rep Sabatini to the crowd of groypers & fellow-travelers at American Virtue- "I believe in you guys...this movement is gonna take over [the GOP] & make this country truly great's the people in this room, the conservative youth...who are truly going to save [the USA]"

And of course, these white Christian nationalist 'mainstreamers' hold many, & sometimes all, the same views as the neo-Nazis who protested outside the #SAS2022 convention center. The inside/outside game= different strategies, same broad movement

Have found many more in the two days since I've made this thread. MTG to the groypers- "I haven't quit on you guys"

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