Starting in 2018 together with @KateScopelliti & @tamaraleighllc, created the #ClearFlynnNow Social Media Movement. Recognized by Time Magazine.

Jul 24, 2022, 12 tweets

24 July 2020 - #MAGAManifesto Quotes Analysis

What follows are 10 quote selections I made earlier this morning. They're taken from @KateScopelliti's and my book that you see here. Please like and RT those that speak to you most strongly.…

1) Remember The Forgotten American

2) Rule Of Law

3) American Jobs

4) Quality Of Life For Every American

5) Heal Our Cities

6) Build The Wall

7) Make America Wealthy Again

8) Make America Strong Again

9) Make America Safe Again

10) Make America Great Again

In closing, in coming days I'll check on the tally and report. Plus, each day, once, I'll post the following image as a quick summary, and under our hashtag: #MAGAManifesto, so you can easily find all 10 points, any time you wish.

Here's to America!

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