How to get URL link on X (Twitter) App The simple fact is that McCArthy is a natural enemy of Trump's, and of the #MAGA Movement, exactly as Paul Ryan and Mitch McConnell are. All of us sycophantic Trump supporters wanted him to be a temporary Speaker, himself. Alas. I was not in DC for the 6 January 2021 Rally. I wanted to go. Fiercely. It wounded my ego to NOT go. Allow me a martial arts term: Zanshin. It comes from the Samurai and means your sense of threat or danger. For the Samurai it was almost a mystical concept. As to the coming thread, though, I walk away feeling some other ground needs to be covered. Try to stick tight if you can. Look at this list: Here's the link to my reading. I hope you enjoy it, but more, I hope you're as moved by it as I am. A few more thoughts follow... Psychological warriors step into the mental space of their targets due to a very specific aspect of pack creature minds. Trust. Pack creatures trust members of their pack. They distrust non-members. As you can easily see, for those who do know the truth, we have arrived at the biggest moment of lives, historically speaking, and with America Herself at stake. Consider this extraordinary political cartoon. The image above, which is for now also my profile picture, is amazing. It was created by @pgeerkens about a year or so ago. He created it in repose to work I was doing on this book: joyously share again, in honor of all true freedom-loving patriots in China: