Brent Toderian Profile picture
City planner + urbanist leading @TODUrbanWORKS. Global cities advisor. Past Vancouver chief planner. Past/founding @CanUrbanism president. Speaker.

Jul 26, 2022, 11 tweets

So I’ll repeat — we DO need to replace the current # of ICE vehicles with a LOT FEWER EVs. It’ll take a LOT of work on infrastructure, including the transformation of millions of private parking spaces. Unlike driverless cars, it IS part of the solution & needs to happen quickly.

As I put it recently in my blunt advice to Irish cities, “Your goal SHOULDN’T be to replace a million fossil fuel vehicles with a million electric vehicles. It should be to replace a million fossil fuel vehicles with 250K electric vehicles. The answer HAS to be FEWER cars."

The transportation portion of climate-changing emissions has grown by 54% since 1990, in part because people have been driving more and buying big pick-up trucks and SUVs. SHIFTING TO EVs IS NOT ENOUGH. Car dependency is the deeper problem. Via @parismarx…

Climate policy that relies on a shift to electric cars risks entrenching existing inequities. Via @ConversationUK. Among MANY reasons to conclude that “better cars” won’t get us where we need to be. Fewer cars, less driving, more choices and better cities.…

THIS IS INTERESTING: 12 Ways to Reduce Cars In Cities that have ALREADY WORKED, ranked by effectiveness, identified from nearly 800 research papers. Via @KA_Nicholas in @ConversationEDU. What do u think, Tweeps? Depends A LOT on the specific case studies……

“Popularising electric vehicles comes with the risk of entrenching car dependency. Driverless cars may encourage more miles on the road, which could make traffic and sprawl worse.”

Fewer cars, less driving, more choices, better cities. Via @sky #FCLDMCBC…

Still think making all our current cars EVs is the answer? Only 5% of cars in California are currently EVs.

Fewer cars. Less driving. More choices. Better cities. #FCLDMCBC

“The technologies unleashed by Silicon Valley are not neutral. They contain within them the world views of the people who develop them… they champion ideas that would ensure that automobiles continue to dominate our transportation system…“ — @parismarx in “Road to Nowhere.”

Clearly I’m not saying EVs aren’t part of the broader solution, but the main goal HAS to be less driving & fewer cars. Picture tobacco companies selling “better cigarettes” as the solution (which can actually lead to MORE smoking), when we know the solution is to limit smoking.

.@VLADDO: “I’ve read you’re not very happy with electric cars b/c they don’t help urban mobility, is that right?”

Me: “That’s an overstatement. What concerns me is when EVs are held up as the whole solution. At most they’re part of the solution, & not the most important part.”

This is REALLY important for decision-makers & media to understand — if EVs are getting bigger & bigger (SUVs, trucks & even Hummers), we’re FAILING in addressing the #ClimateCrisis, vehicle collision deaths, public costs, etc. Via @parismarx @techreview…

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