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#H5N1isAirborne - it will be a miracle if the USDA and CDC don't 1918 us. Don't forget, the first wave was mild. Until it wasn't. #PZC.

Jul 27, 2022, 19 tweets


Logically, mechanistically, and as shown in studies.

This pic below? The WHO is trying to get ahead of this one.

Unfortunately, for them, has the right stuff to blow down their house of cards.

A little dark humor to start, because, really, how many lies do we have to catch them in?

(As always, I am fan of public health. Not a fan of political health as the CDC is under Walensky and Redfield).

First study...

Approximately 90 minute viability in the usual Goldberg drum. At a very rough glance because this first step of the dance is boring.

Anywho, MVD is not very stable, thankfully.

As seen below, aerosol transmission possible.…

Next... Our monkey pals. Does MVD cause damage to the lungs, where aerosols are produced?

Not at first, but we see filoviruses like MVD use the aerosol route.

Later on, we see the lung pathology. Lots of it.

Yes, lungs involved (aerosols).…

Another bunch of monkeys.

Exposed to aerosolized MVD. Died.

Establishes that if virus gets into URT or LRT, can cause infection in nonhuman primate.

Also, this breed is a very good stand in for humans in respiratory disease testing.

We die, too.…

Same study... inhalation is not a "prominent" method of transmission.

But it is possible.

So, if there is a remote possibility of me catching a disease with 50% fatality?

You can bet that your boy will be in a 3M 6800 full face N100.

And so should you.

Symptoms of Marburg include vomiting.

Guess what generates huge amounts of aerosols? (Vomiting - don't tell @RWalensky, let's let it be a surprise.)…

Symptoms also include coughing. Thank you, Mayo Clinic.

Guess what generates huge amounts of aerosols?

Coughing. (Fine - breathing, talking, laughing, singing, all produce aerosols.)…

We can take a look at our villian's origin story. Oops, they said aerosols.

That will disappear soon. Web. Archive.Org is our friend!…

Something to consider. The @CDCgov and @WHO's contact trace methods are based on direct contact.

They wouldn't know how to use the Gesundheit 2 to save @DrTedros's reputation. Or how to do full traces, including everyone in the room. Or in the next room.

To use smoke.

So, all of those epi studies?

About as useful as @RWalensky 's magical 5 day isolation policy, when trying to rule out airborne transmission.

How about this? You nay-sayers, explain the origin of the 6 foot distance rule. The 15 minute transmission rule used today.

I can explain where they come from, can you?

Sorry if I am being aggressive.

We have sat around for far too long. I am calling it like I see it, and it's all self-reinforcing bullshit.

I am talking directly to you, John Conly and others of his ilk.

Get out of the damn way.

Let me show you what I mean by self-reinforcing.

In this fascinating treatment of a lost case of Marburg, the authors explore how the wife got infected.…

Notice how they did not discuss the fact they were breathing the same air?

Instead, they bent over backwards to pull a sexual event out of a medical article written after the fact.

Which just might have been crass boasting.

Who knows?

In any event, our attention is now

focused on sex and fluids.

Ignoring the 22,000 breaths they took back then per day - and we all still take (H/T @kprather88 for that fun factoid).

One final note for now.

Elite Panic. That is when the elite panic that the common person will freak out.

Let's stop that, right the eff now, @RWalensky @ashishkjha. Enough. Grow up.

Just tell us the truth. Because they did that here 👇👇. And it went just fine - when they were matter of fact.

When they told half-truths, as in Germany 👇, people lost their minds.

Oh, btw?

It's also transmitted all the usual ways as well.

Sexually, fomites, droplets, butterfly kisses (eye to eye).

But fortunately, it's just not too transmissible.

Not yet.

I sure did. Unlike the CDC, I don't delete uncomfortable truths.

(Though I believe my godforsaken Autocorrect did that to me.)

But - it is my responsibility, so my apologies!

Thank you, @Lysistrata2022

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