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CIEL defends the right to a healthy planet. #HealthyEnvironmentForAll Our newsletters ✒️

Jul 28, 2022, 10 tweets

In a historic decision, the @UN General Assembly just adopted the resolution to universally recognize the right to a #HealthyEnvironmentForAll!
This signals what we hope will be the beginning of a new era in rights-based environmental policy.
A thread 🧵👇

The adoption of the resolution to recognize the right to a #HealthyEnvironmentForAll arrives after:
🦸‍♂️ Decades of demands from civil society & Indigenous Peoples organizations,
🇺🇳 Recognition of the right to a healthy, clean, and sustainable environment by the @UN_HRC in October.

Representatives from civil society and Indigenous Peoples organizations — who have been advocating for this resolution for decades — share why this step is so significant!

“This is historical because the right to a healthy environment was so far missing from the universal catalog of rights that should be protected and guaranteed to all human beings without any discrimination.” — Sandra Epal-Ratjen of @FranciscansIntl

“This is a powerful keystone in the progress to justice and the saving of the planet at such a critical tipping point.” — @BirdLife_CEO of @BirdLife_News

“The @UN General Assembly’s universal recognition of the right to a clean, healthy, and sustainable environment is a crucial step forward towards delivering on the promise of the SDGs and creating an equitable, carbon neutral, and nature-positive world.” — @WWF_DG of @WWF

“Implementation of this right can change the future of humanity.” — Daniel Magraw of @JohnsHopkins' Foreign Policy Institute

“While this resolution is no panacea, with sustained advocacy from all stakeholders, it is a stepping stone to lasting peace and prosperity, and a future in which people live in harmony with nature.” — @WWFGovernance of @WWF

"It shines a spotlight on the terrible risks that environmental defenders face on a daily basis and begins the process of protecting everyone." — @RBratspies of @CUNY Center for Urban Environmental Reform

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