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Physician by calling! Internist! Himalayan Nomad! #medtwitter #kaapi #poet #author of Billion Suns Rising poetry Book #Haiku

Jul 29, 2022, 7 tweets

Short trip to Goa..#Goadiaries a thread
South Goa colva beach beautiful white sands and very clean! Was fascinated by the shells this time, how a life survives in a shell! Waves literally talk to you! I can still hear those waves!

Since it was n th visit to Goa was looking for off beat places and we visited an old Portuguese house built in 13th century, the lady who manages the place gave us a nice tour,We enjoyed the tour and we all ended up singing in the place, as though deja vu we were in the ball room

As tweeple suggested we went to Tambdi surla temple! Best decision, monsoon added the beauty further! Temple is located among the hills, with streams surrounding it! With few water falls around!

And we did Fontainas Heritage walk! Colourful Portuguese architecture houses! Mostly all of them converted to cafes and hotels...nice for colourful photoshoot! Yeah that's me posing there!

Serradura the Portuguese dessert! I try this everytime I am there.. ofcourse coffee by the paddy fields!

Lot of beach and pool time and quality with my daughter and my bestie..all in all...so many more places in Goa to explore...

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