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Science and Shenanigans. Heart and Hope. Followed by THOUSANDS of Scientists who chat on @sciencepawdcast Tweets by @Zedscience

Aug 1, 2022, 8 tweets

How did cats come to live with humans? By all logical observation, these independent creatures shouldn’t be in our homes, but they are.
There are 7 main reasons.
Let’s find out on The Super Awesome Science Thread.

1. Nearly 100,000 years ago ancient cats watched the advanced primates who scurried around the Middle East with a mild curiosity, but stayed out of their way. These primates were smart and could catch and eat them. It would have stayed this way except for this: grain.

2. The end of the ice age allowed humans to turn from sketchy hunters into farmers. Still cats were wary. The grain and crops humans grew that was stored for later became a target for an annoying creature from India. The house mouse. The plot thickens.

3. Over the next 10,000 years the cats who were decent at catching mice, but also had less stress hormones allowed them to be bold and calm around humans had a great chance of survival. Natural selection had a purrfect time to occur.

4. This type of cat began to look different and act different than the other species of wildcats. The key thing here is humans didn’t breed this type of cat. The cat domesticated itself over time.

5. As trade picked up, “cats” hitched a ride on ships and in carts and moved rapidly around Asia and parts of Africa. It is at this point the Egyptians took notice of the cat. Quickly the cat went from surprise helper, friend, pet, and then finally god.

6. Why did humans care about the cat so much? Psychologists have interesting theories. A cat weighs the same as new baby, and has giant eyes, like a baby. Holding a cat is the perfect size for a human baby and it creates a bond and nurturing affect. Cats = Baby

7. Years marched on an the scientific evidence of having a cat in the house being a good thing is a done deal. Cats lower stress, heart rate, anxiety, and more. They have mostly moved on from vermin catching days and lounge full time.
It’s ok.
They’ve earned it.

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