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Aug 2, 2022, 25 tweets

a thread showing what the #unsealed documents have shown us about amber heard, and seeing what her supporters call “damning evidence”


there’s a reason theyre currently trying to attack the credibility of johnny’s supporters, insinuating that we’re lying while trying to direct the attention to cocaine’s and kamilla’s threads. rather than directly acknowledging & debunking our “lies” as they so confidently claim.

#Distraction saying that deuters said johnny “cut himself” so it must mean that he did it himself. even though he quite literally stated “they didn’t know how” at first.

#Unsealed (but already known through previous declaration)

jennifer howell’s testimony about whitney saying that it was amber heard who had cut johnny’s finger off.


#Unsealed we already know that amber heard throws things, via her multiple statements in audios, and witnesses. it’s not unlikely that she threw a vodka bottle at him.

#Distraction “the audios and photos were manipulated”

the audios originated from amber heard. your girly is the one who had cut them. NGN gave those to johnny which were all he originally had.

also seems to me that many don’t realize that we’ve all heard the 4 hour audio that johnny submitted, it’s not new, yet they’re acting like it’s something “revealed.”

#Distraction photos. their device wasn’t imaged “a file’s last modified date refers to the date and time it was last saved.” we know that JD wasn’t the one who took the photos, they were sent to him.

I also HIGHLY doubt, as common sense entails, that he cut his finger twice.

#Unsealed also already known, amber heard produced multiple cut audios.

the fact that you guys take so much time on this, which we already know amber has done multiple times, just goes to show that you don’t have anything substantial to add.

#Unsealed confirmation of amber’s reaction to the prenup. and that she tried to leave the plane, as it was flying over the ocean.

#Unsealed amber heard initiating violence to keep him from going out with his friends, would insult and slap him to try to stop him. he’d constantly retreat. as we know. and her being proud of her violence.

as amber would berate him for leaving, here is him explaining why he would leave, because she got violent and he didn’t want to react.

amber heard fans try to say “it’s not EVERY time she’s violent so he’s being abusive because it’s stonewalling” need I say more?

#Unsealed dr. anderson had disapproved of amber’s TRO petition in LA because she said amber tried to change the rules.

interesting part of dr. anderson’s testimony where AH said if she’d have an advantage if she leaves him but files for abuse first.

fair enough to wonder about ig

kipper stated that he would have reported violence if he SAW it, he’s never seen him being violent with her. neither has nurse lloyd.

we know that drs restate what she reported to them. put two & two together. no one saw it, but AH said it

#Distraction just to show how they report what they don’t know. the daily beast said that depp’s legal team excluded the testimonies of a bunch of people

the excluded people in question:

#Unsealed dr. collins was unable to testify as a rebuttal witness to AH’s injuries. what she had to say ↓

#Distraction he didnt attempt to. he didnt submit any exhibits related to it. & mentioned that in the case it comes to show a lack of injuries “the court should not resolve this issue in limine” bc they acknowledge that they wouldnt want to just show the damn nudes

#Unsealed amber sued him first via arbitration. because he stated he didn’t abuse her.

#Unsealed more violence.

#Distraction these are the “threads” that kat, cocaine, and kamilla tell you so confidently about. this is johnny saying this. not amber. flat out lying.

#Unsealed this is horrible.

.@barbiedripx posted more things that were revealed! including how amber heard requested to testify to her SA allegations on camera and, obviously, wanted JD's opposing evidence to be kept from the public/camera.…

#Distraction regarding what they call the “the most damning piece of evidence” which in reality just ends up making amber look bad

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