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Aug 2, 2022, 7 tweets

Nancy #Pelosi now literally in the crosshairs as soon she will enter Taiwans ADIZ.

#SPAR19 #Taiwan

Taiwan’s tallest building lit up in Taipei: "Speaker Pelosi. Welcome to Taiwan, Thank you. TW ❤️ US."

#Taiwan begins its celebration.

Taiwanese Air Force Jets Airborne.

Escorting mission to most probably pass onto the Taiwanese fighters.

#SPAR19 current location.

REAKING - A total of 22 KC-135 aerial refuelling aircrafts are flying from outside bases to the US military Kadena base in Okinawa, Okinawa Defense Bureau.

Taiwan’s Ministry of Foreign Affairs site is also down.

Taiwanese airports Taoyuan International Airport and Songshan Airport received bomb threats today, #Taiwan media TVBS report. Pelosi will land at Songshan within the hour.

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