Rob Pyers Profile picture
Tech geek, political junkie, media omnivore, @CATargetBot repairman. Research Director for the non-partisan California Target Book. Bad tweets my own.

Aug 3, 2022, 14 tweets

More Kent County votes coming in for #MI03, Gibbs margin over Meijer looks like it's down to 391 votes and a 50.8%/49.2% margin…

Gibbs leading Meijer 50.4%/49.6% with a 198-vote margin after latest updates from Ottawa & Muskegon Counties……

Kent County update in #MI03 cuts John Gibbs' margin over Peter Meijer down to 77 votes...race is now 50.1%/49.9%.

And back again...Muskegon county puts Gibbs back up 94 votes in #MI03

19,468 - 50.12% - Gibbs
19,374 - 49.88% - Meijer

#MI03 Update
23,062 - 50.51% - Meijer (+470)
22,592 - 49.49% - Gibbs

#MI03 Update
24,937 - 50.52% - Meijer (+518)
24,419 - 49.48% - Gibbs

#MI03 Update
26,277 - 50.84% - Meijer (+869)
25,408 - 49.16% - Gibbs

#MI03 Update
29,707 - 50.26% - Gibbs (+302)
29,405 - 49.74% - Meijer

#MI03 Update
33,311 - 50.91% - Gibbs (+1,195)
32,116 - 49.09% - Meijer

Looking grim in #MI03 after that last Muskegon County update.

35,994 - 51.45% - Gibbs (+2,023)
33,971 - 48.55% - Meijer


37,208 - 51.73% - Gibbs (+2,485)
34,723 - 48.27% - Meijer

#MI03 Update

39,140 - 51.85% - Gibbs (+2,790)
36,350 - 48.15% - Meijer

#MI03 Update

40,362 - 51.93% - Gibbs (+2,999)
37,363 - 48.07% - Meijer

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