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Aug 4, 2022, 9 tweets

The government will agree to @ChaneyforCurtin's amendments to the Climate Change Bill, says Minister @Bowenchris #auspol

The House has agreed to @zdaniel's amendment #auspol

The government will support @helenhainesindi amendments. @D_LittleproudMP says The Nationals won't #auspol

The government won't be supporting @WilkieMP's amendments, says @Bowenchris #auspol

Greens Leader @AdamBandt moving amendments similar to @WilkieMP. Government won't support #auspol

The government will support Member for Wentworth @spenderallegra's amendment #auspol

The government supports @KyleaTink's amendment #auspol

The government supports @zalisteggall's amendment #auspol

The government will support the final amendment by the Greens @EWatsonBrown #auspol

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