Mr. Wuggums💖 DJ Heri, Manny, Toutci: #Xanawu Cats Profile picture
I ❤️string & making movies! Founder: #KittyTwitter #XCats #ChillTent #WuggieLove #CatCarnivale #BurningMouse #HeavyMetalCats #Wuggstock #mrwuggumsfilmfest etc.

Aug 4, 2022, 9 tweets

Hello, furriends of the Xanawu Summer of Rubs Wellness Series at the #ChillTent!

Chesty has the day off & I missed yesterday's spa trip....I'll be taking my sweet ride over to the Day Spa in an with me, flower children!😺🌀🌺
#CatsOfTwitter #dogsoftwitter #Anipals

Is everyone ready? I sure am - let's go to the spa!

I've got the motor runnin', I'm here just outside the #ChillTent and dining your step getting on!

We'll be there in about 15minutes😺, it's not too far from Xanawu🌺

#CatsOfTwitter #dogsoftwitter #Anipals

Yay! We're here!

That didn't take too long, did it?

Let's go inside!

The spa has two relaxation areas - a classic indoor area and an "outdoor" catio room, complete with whirlpools!
#ChillTent #CatsOfTwitter #dogsoftwitter #Anipals

Aromatherapy facials are a specialty of the house!

The compassionate, skilled staff is here to attend to your every need... the rooms are designed so mew can have a cup of tea with a furriend while mew relax - I'm solo today🌺
#CatsOfTwitter #dogsoftwitter #Anipals

Ohhhhh, this feels SO GOOD!

And smells delicious...I hope there's snacks!
#CatsOfTwitter #dogsoftwitter #Anipals

Is anyone interested in massage? I sure am!

This spa offers traditional massage, accupressure and hot stone massage, too!😺

Relax solo or with a furriend in their couples' massage room🌺 ...I think I'm going for a hot stone rub!
#ChillTent #CatsOfTwitter #dogsoftwitter #Anipals

Oh pooh...I think I fell asleep on the massage table

Now I'm hungry!😺

There's a new menu at the spa this month - strawberry sammiches & apple roses!

I think I'll have a mixed berry tea, that Lady Grey looks delicious, too!😻
#ChillTent #CatsOfTwitter #dogsoftwitter #Anipals

I think I'm going to take my noms over here and plop down in one of these comfy chairs for my mani and pedi....I do NOT want to be late for poetry night at the #ChillTent!

What do mew think? They said it was my color...
#CatsOfTwitter #dogsoftwitter #Anipals

I guess I better head on back to the #ChillTent - I've got pizzas to make for #PizzaPurrsday!

Mew all can ride back with me, or get a lift with @The3Yorkiteers 😺
#CatsOfTwitter #dogsoftwitter #Anipals

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