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Aug 5, 2022, 54 tweets

Interesting 🧵on Kuhn, Loeb & Co. and Frederick T Gates, John D Rockefeller's investment adviser…

Kuhn, Loeb & Co was an investment bank located in NYC. The firm grew to prominence during the railroad era in the United States

Its first meaningful investments : the Chicago and North Western Railroad, , the Pennsylvania Railroad & the Chicago, Milwaukee & St. Paul Railroad.

Famous partners of the firm included Otto Kahn, Paul Warburg, Felix Warburg, Mortimer Schiff,and Sigmund Warburg, founder of S.G. Warburg.

Kuhn, Loeb Company is mentioned in this article:
"Stockholms Enskilda Bank, German Bosch and IG Farben. A Short History of Cloaking"…

The Warburg family is a prominent German and American banking family

Jacob H. Schiff, a banker who grew up in Frankfurt and had ties to the German Warburgs financed most of the American rail system through his investment bank of Kuhn, Loeb & Co.…

" Schiff's great-great grandson Drew was married to Al Gore's daughter, Karenna, who has risen in place at the Union Theological Seminary. UTS partners w/ the Jewish Theological Seminary, each located in NYC where the JTS has historically been associated with the Jewish Museum."

👆Didn't Bill Cosby live across the street from Jeffrey Epstein in NYC?

Kinda got be wondering who lives in between them..

15 East 71st street - Lois Wagner Fine Arts

But I digress..

Wait.. one more..

17 East 71st Street

"A house originally designed by Thom & Wilson and built in 1889" - Friends of the Upper East Side

Rachel Levy , Executive director…
Rachel Levy has held the position of Executive Director since December 2015. She was recognized as a Woman of Distinction by New York State Senator Liz Krueger in 2018...…
Krueger was born in New York City to Harvey M. Krueger and Constance Krueger.

Her father was the CEO of the investment bank Kuhn, Loeb & Co., and served as vice chairman of Lehman Brothers following the merger with Kuhn, Loeb & Co. in 1977


At 17 East 71st Street
Sharon Dorram Color at Sally Hershberger salon…
colorist to the stars ..Barbra Streisand, Renée Zellweger, Julia Roberts, Kate Hudson, Nicole Kidman, Reese Witherspoon, Priyanka Chopra, Uma Thurman, Kate Winslet, Meg Ryan, ..

2019 : "Upper East Side Salon Under Investigation for Racial Discrimination"…
Ms. Hershberger, 58, known for her $1,000 haircuts and “24K” hair products in gold-trimmed black packaging, has tended personally to Michelle Obama and Hillary Clinton...


Okay.. I'll leave the Hershberger trail as it probably needs its own 🧵…

Warburg comes up in this article about Kubrick's film "Eyes Wide Shut"

" the exterior shots of the orgy mansion was Mentmore Towers.. "The abandoned church (site of rituals) in central Westchester... the former Warburg-Rothschild estate. "…

7 miles away from Tring is Mentmore Towers..

This 🧵covers the Tring area.. known for Rothschild mansions and the development of the railway system through it.. connecting to Euston station London

British Railways chairman Sir Peter Parker and English DJ and TV presenter Jimmy Savile ..

Parker brought in Savile as “The Face of British Rail” in a 1970’s advertising campaign"

Parker's son, Sir Alan Parker was chairman of the trustees at Save the Children.."

> Jimmy Savile > Athenaeum Club > In and Out Naval and Military Club

Why would Save the Children give Tony Blair a "global legacy" award?

Save the Children boss at the time Justin Forsyth apologized.

Later he got into a bit of bother with the MeToo movement

Seen here in his Save the Children days with Samantha Cameron at The Secret Winter Gala, 2013

sponsored by Bulgari…

I'll expand on Bulgari another time

"Sarah Ferguson, Duchess of York, and FIA Formula E CEO Alejandro Agag attend the ABB FIA Formula E Gala Dinner hosted by Bulgari at Villa Miani on April 14, 2018 in Rome"


Agag, on his relationship with Epstein: "We both worked in fund management"…

[Translated] " He refuses.. to give more details and explain when and under what circumstances he met the tycoon."

I can never finish these threads following my original thoughts.. I keep running into the same people..

And it needs looking at..

Was that askinvestments or aslinvestments?

At any rate Mr Agag is the major shareholder and director at

Secretary of the company is Alberto LONGO ALVAREZ DE SOTOMAYOR , Alejandro Agag's uncle…

' the business connection between a hitherto unknown company with 2 others .. leading to Alejandro Agag, Aznar's son-in-law Jose Maria Aznar..'

".. and among whose wedding witnesses was Francisco Correa, considered the head of the corrupt network"..…

"Documents sent to Judge Antonio Pedreira confirm that, in 2005, Agag acquired 7,511 shares from a firm in the energy sector, Activities Eólicas Murcianas, whose nominal value was 15,020 euros, equivalent to 49.99% of the share capital. He paid three euros for them.."

"And they ended up in the hands of CGI and June Sun, two companies investigated for their alleged belonging to the Gürtel conglomerate ."..

> Gürtel Case: Who's Who…

> June Sun International, Nevis..

Before I go on..

Blair , Bush , Aznar, President of Spain in 2003 .. Agag's father-in-law

June, LL :

Intermediary NTL Trust Ltd, Saint Kitts and Nevis…

Nicholas Stevens, Director of NTL Trust…

2013: NTL Trust signs agreement to start promoting the Citizenship by Investment Programme of the Commonwealth of Dominica...

2001 :
Nevis Trust Limited changes its name to NTL Trust and started to offer private banking services , and starts processing applications under the Citizenship by Investment Programme of the Federation of St Kitts and Nevis

NTL Trust opens offices in Riga, Latvia and Hong Kong, China. Becomes one of the first licensed practitioners under the new St Kitts-Nevis Citizenship by Investment Regulations.

NTL Trust Corporate Services Inc opens an office in Panama to target the Latin American market.

NTL Trust receives a license to provide Registered Agent service in Belize to IBCs, LLCs and licensed financial services companies."

Lord Ashcroft springs to mind , as well as the owners of a couple of luxury resorts there..


Like Leonardo Di Caprio #1MDB

NTL Trust becomes one of the first promotors of the new Antigua and Barbuda Citizenship by Investment Programme."

Robert de Niro and his resort there springs to mind


NTL Trust launches in Dubai as hub for the booming Middle Eastern market. Obtains license for the Citizenship by Investment Programme of Grenada. Formation of New Zealand trustee company."

NTL Trust starts promoting the St Lucia Citizenship by Investment programme. Launch of NTL Wealth Family Office services in Latin America."


New NTL Trust offices in Istanbul, Turkey and Rodney Bay, St Lucia. ..Launch of new dedicated service of institutional consultancy and correspondent banking services for smaller banks with an emphasis on Caribbean banks."


Nicholas Stevens, Director of NTL Trust


Save Havens London 2016 - Launch of the Wealth Forums’ Safe Havens Index
at the Caledonian Club, Belgravia

Welcome and opening remarks by The Wealth Forums CEO, Richard Moir……

..London as a safe haven for investors. Speaker: David Clarke, former top police officer in the City of London Police"

A top anti-fraud officer is under criminal investigation for allegedly giving secret information to associates bidding for contracts

Ok.. so, now I'll step back to the Warburg family and this article on the Rotary Club in Germany 1920s to 1960s

[using Google translate]

Dr. Max Moritz Warburg (1867-1946) became a founding member of the RC Hamburg together with his son Erich in 1929...

"Warburg emigrated to the US with the rest of his family in August 1938.. After long disputes, the bank has been operating under the name MM Warburg - Brinckmann, Wirtz & Co."

Now another crisis is enveloping the storied institution..

..Warburg allegedly participated in controversial dividend trades known as Cum-Ex that took advantage of double tax reimbursements. The scandal.. has roiled the financial industry, ensnaring lenders from Deutsche Bank to Barclays... "…

The CumEx-Files is an investigation by a number of European news media outlets into a tax fraud scheme discovered by them in 2017. A network of banks, stock traders, & lawyers had obtained billions from European treasuries through suspected fraud .. involving dividend taxes.…

Sanjay Shah is a Dubai-based British businessman. He founded Solo Capital, a hedge fund firm which closed in 2016, & AUTISM ROCKS, a charitable organization that raises awareness for autism.. 👀

"Shah is a prime suspect in a case regarding the Danish Government being allegedly defrauded of 12.7 billion DKK ..between 2012 and 2015,[4] part of the CumEx-Files involving multiple European nations and involves a number of the world's largest banks .."…

Shah worked as a banker for Morgan Stanley, Credit Suisse and Rabobank "over a period of almost 20 years and – after finding himself unemployed in 2008 – set up his own investment management, brokerage and principal trading business.."
"Sanjay Shah once had the ear of pop stars. When he hosted concerts for his autism charity, Prince, Elton John, Snoop Dogg and Ed Sheeran attended."


"1MDB Casts Shadow on Ex-Swiss Bank CEO’s Money-Laundering Trial"…
Eduardo Leemann.. is set to appear at Switzerland’s Federal Criminal Court to answer charges that between 2012 and 2016, he exploited his role as chief executive officer of Falcon Bank ..

to launder $133 million euros ($156 million) in illicit proceeds for Khadem Al-Qubaisi.…
Khadem Al-Qubaisi was chairman of many other companies including NOVA Chemicals ..

> Trudeau scandal

Sheila O'Brien, Vice President NOVO CHEMICALS

In 1999 the company moved its top executives from Calgary to Pittsburgh…

"The move comes just one year after the company merged with TransCanada Pipelines."

Pay attention now..

Sheila O'Brien is Co-Founder of The Canadian Centre to End Human Trafficking

along with
Margot Franssen Co-Founder and Co-Chair

Those 2 names were mentioned in the archived post:

"Betsy DeVos, Bethany Christian Services, Amway, another private island and whispers of child trafficking"

because of their links to East Yachts Ltd., based in the Caribbean..

Particularly, linked via East Yachts partner and yacht chef Elizabeth Lee

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