Brian Belen Profile picture
President of First Asia Venture Capital and Chief Brain at Brain Drain (my blog). | AB/MA University of Asia and the Pacific | MA/PhD Fordham University.

Aug 6, 2022, 6 tweets

Eleven minutes later… #ポケモン #プラモ #pokemon #plamo

Of the Pokemon Quick kits I’ve worked on the seamlines on Mew are going to take some work. Can live with the arms; it’s the neck and ankles that are problematic. Don’t know if I’ll be able to hide them. #ポケモン #プラモ #pokemon #plamo

I’ve gone from “Maybe I should’ve just handbrushed the eyes” to “So this is what Mew looks like with jaundice.” #ポケモン #プラモ #pokemon #plamo

ポケモンコレクション。クイック‼︎ ミュウ 完成しました。 #プラモ #ポケモン #plamo #pokemon

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