First Asia Venture Capital | Brain Drain (my blog) | AB/MA University of Asia and the Pacific | MA/PhD Fordham University | Private Helicopter Pilot
Mar 9 • 10 tweets • 5 min read
The next project. My daughter did the snap build; I’ll work on the finish. #ポケモン #プラモ #pokemon #plamo
“Some assembly required.”
Done with painting prep. Tried to clean up a bunch of seamlines, but the oddly shaped pieces were challenging.
There’s always a tradeoff between effort and the size/nature of the kit. I went for “enough”.
#ポケモン #プラモ #pokemon #plamo
Jan 28, 2024 • 20 tweets • 11 min read
The next hobby project. Gonna be a slow burn (no pun intended). #プラモ #ガッチャマン #plamo #Gatchaman #GForce
This is my first time working on an Academy kit and I’m not confident I can snap build prior to painting it.
Looks like the best approach would be to paint all the pieces then jump straight to final assembly.
Gonna be a trip!
#プラモ #ガッチャマン #plamo #Gatchaman #GForce
Aug 21, 2023 • 7 tweets • 3 min read
I had other plans, but my daughter walked into the room asking “Can we work on Charmander now?” so of course we’re working on Charmander now.
#ポケモン #プラモ #pokemon #plamo
This one’s gonna need a bit of a think. Looks like I can erase the seams other than the arms. Fun little challenge; will get to it after I restock on some paint.
#ポケモン #プラモ #pokemon #plamo
Jul 9, 2023 • 13 tweets • 7 min read
Gonna see if I can turn this into something worth entering into this year’s GBWC. #ガンダム #ガンプラ #プラモ #gundam #gunpla #plamo
The best thing about these HGBD Core + [Unit] kits is that you’ll end up assembling the Core Gundam well before you’re done with the rest of the kit.
And then you’ll get sidetracked giving it all kinds of poses. #ガンダム #ガンプラ #プラモ #gundam #gunpla #plamo
Jul 2, 2023 • 7 tweets • 3 min read
Looks like we chose you, Bulbasaur. #ポケモン #プラモ #pokemon #plamo
There it is, OOB. Feels like the easiest Pokémon Quick kit we’ve built yet.
Should be straightforward to paint with some masking involved. There are also seams I’d like to erase on the larger pieces. #ポケモン #プラモ #pokemon #plamo
Apr 8, 2023 • 5 tweets • 2 min read
Up next: a robot cat from the future. #ドラえもん #プラモ #doraemon #plamo
There it is, OOB. A good looking Entry Grade a child can put together (took my daughter less than ten minutes).
Easy enough to erase the seamline on the head, but there’s one on the body I might have to leave be.
#ドラえもん #プラモ #doraemon #plamo
Feb 19, 2023 • 11 tweets • 9 min read
Alright. Time for something…different. #プラモ#plamo
Gonna think long and hard about painting this kit. The printed details will be hard to match, even with the accompanying decals. #プラモ#plamo
Feb 4, 2023 • 6 tweets • 2 min read
I was pretty zen about being put on hold on the phone by my bank.
And then they asked me identity verification questions that I didn’t know off the top of my head.
AND THEN the line went busy and I got cut off from the call.
I’d say it’s time to switch banks.
The process is all about what’s convenient for the bank, not the customer:
- Kept me on hold.
- Asked what my credit limit is (I don’t spend a lot and don’t breach it, so it’s not top of mind).
- Asked for personal info that isn’t top of mind (SSN or TIN).
Jan 14, 2023 • 8 tweets • 9 min read
Easing back into hobby mode. #プラモ#ポケモン#plamo#pokemon
There. Looks simple enough. Just a few seams to cleanup on the body, but everything else looks straightforward.
I am gonna turn it either red or pink before I make it yellow, though. #プラモ#ポケモン#plamo#pokemon
Dec 30, 2022 • 5 tweets • 8 min read
Was cleaning out my phone’s camera roll and realized I had a few WIP shots of the HMM Blade Liger I forgot to share. So here they are for posterity.
First, head and Zoid core. #ゾイド#プラモ#zoids#plamo
Next: front third of the torso. It’s got this articulation gimmick that allows you to extend the boosters beneath the armor piece.
The tubing is actually bare plastic on which I applied a good topcoat then a black panel wash. Came out great.
Ever just wake up and tell yourself, “I’d really like to start building a Liger today”? #ゾイド#プラモ#zoids#plamo
Liger project got sidetracked; been busy this week. It’s just as well as there’s a lot of kit to work on (there’s actually a divider in the box).
Still test fitting, but I think I have to paint and assemble parts by section to get it done. #ゾイド#プラモ#zoids#plamo
Here we go, boys and girls. Time to get working on the Most Awesome Haro Ever. #gunpla#plamo#ガンプラ#プラモ
Progress. Torso’s a little tight, so have to figure that out. Probably need to use some putty to fill in a few voids. But pleasantly surprised that the rear vernier has some articulation. #gunpla#plamo#ガンプラ#プラモ
This may very well be the first time I’ve come across a runner with clear parts that you’re supposed to paint with non-clear paint.
(I love clear parts and am very conflicted about this.)
Wanted something easy for my next build. So. #プラモ#ポケモン
There we go. Didn’t apply the stickers since I plan to paint it.
Two runners, twelve pieces; really lives up to the promise of a quick build.
My daughter was the one who did the assembly (of course) and would like everyone to know this Pokemon is A GIRL. #プラモ#ポケモン
Apr 15, 2022 • 13 tweets • 14 min read
I guess it’s as good a time as any to ask: Do You Remember Love? #マクロス#プラモ#DYRL
This is as far as I took it today. Have to take my time removing seam lines.
Oh, and those panel lines? Hopefully a few survive when I get around to painting the kit. #マクロス#プラモ#DYRL
Mar 20, 2022 • 11 tweets • 7 min read
And there’s the snap build. Gotta rethink a couple of things I had in mind for this kit before I start prepping it for paint. #ガンプラ
Mar 1, 2022 • 13 tweets • 12 min read
The next project. Like a friend of mine said: it’s all about rebuilding our youth. #プラモ#タイムボカン
Looks simple enough: three main runners, a small runner of clear parts, a bunch of runners for the wheels (with matching rubber treads!), and this beautiful sheet of decals that I hope survives the experience. #プラモ#タイムボカン
Feb 16, 2022 • 14 tweets • 4 min read
One of the more bizarre talking points I’ve come across in the pro-Marcos echo chamber is that the family never stole a centavo of public money. If so, where’s the conviction? they ask.
I find this really strange for a number of reasons. 1/x
To begin with, aren’t you scraping the bottom of the barrel if the best argument you can offer is “Yes, but has s/he ever been convicted?” #justsaying 2/x
Jan 8, 2022 • 31 tweets • 20 min read
I figured, now’s as good a time as any to get started on that La+ project. #ガンプラ
Ten runners on the base kit, plus an extra four for the special shield. Runner A1 is completely made up of clear parts (which is awesome—won’t have to paint them!). #ガンプラ