Aravind Mohanoor aravind_mc on Gettr Profile picture
Founder of BotFlo. I am vaxxed, and also Pro early treatment. Vaccine mandates are a bad idea.

Aug 7, 2022, 9 tweets

Let us suppose you are quite sure that Big Tech does not actively subvert news stories about vaxx injuries.

So let us take the example of this story:

Clearly, the actor "died suddenly".

Also, the cause of death is probably never going to be made public.

There is now a website called Tech-ARP which provides a "debunk" and automatically gets into the top of the search results.

What is a website about Tech doing debunking all this stuff?

So you go to the web page and you find the usual idiotic laundry list. I think the guy is working off some template.

Of course, there is the usual "grift".

But now that words don't have any meaning at all, the only time you can be a "grifter" is if you are on the right.


Also, did you notice the full list of pro-vaxx "debunks"?

They all follow nearly the same template (click into them and read them) 🤣

Maybe that's fine if these articles are actually updated.

But notice that Mr TechARP almost never goes back to update these articles about the actual cause of death.

Here is another tell.

The Indian singer KK took either Covishield or Covaxin (which is accurate).

But why is it listed here as a point in favor of the vaxx?

So it is OK if the death was due to a non mRNA vaxx? 🤔

So this is probably a Pharma shill who has an amazing grift going on, aided and abetted by Google 😂

10/10 for the hustle

0/10 for the actual fact checks

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