Aravind Mohanoor aravind_mc on Gettr Profile picture
Founder of BotFlo. I am vaxxed, and also Pro early treatment. Vaccine mandates are a bad idea.
Feb 27, 2023 4 tweets 2 min read
"..although terrible actions were taken by some providers out of fear and confusion as to what the "right" thing to do was, I cannot ascribe the intent of murder or euthanasia systematically to a population of health care providers. Although I, like… many others, recognize that individual providers in certain situations may have "lost their minds”,, a.k.a “ethical bearings" and thus may have actually committed those acts out of some combination of ethical ignorance and fear but I refuse to accept they did it out of malice."
Feb 26, 2023 4 tweets 2 min read
Why are these stupid people so hesitant to get a vax which merely causes fatal heart attacks?

It is all so baffling and perplexing... 🤔

If anyone wants to know why Western medicine has turned into a complete laughing stock, they can use this paper as the starting point It is the very epitome of bafflement 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣

"A number of very different approaches will be needed to mitigate any harmful effects, including those addressing the whats, whys, and the hows of this apparently rare, currently idiosyncratic, and possibly unique phenomenon.
Feb 25, 2023 4 tweets 2 min read
I want to clarify this a bit more: in my view you should not be using #chatgpt for this kind of research and also expect it to be true.

However, it is also possible it can lead you to some unexpected discovery, which you can then verify via a regular search engine. It can lead to serendipitous discovery of things which search engines may want to hide.

For example Google seems to have culled all references to the lack of memory of mRNA vaccines from the website of @sanchak74

I think this was intentional

Oct 23, 2022 4 tweets 2 min read
I was able to guess that something like this was going on, but thank you @profnfenton for creating these amazing graphics to make it easy for lay people to understand.

A major disappointment I had with the medical community during C19 is how few of them made these kinds of explanatory videos and charts for themselves.

I think they could have even clarified their own thinking if they had done this. I think too many of them don't even want to do any first principles based thinking.

For e.g. I urge you to ACTUALLY
Oct 22, 2022 4 tweets 1 min read
"If the vaccine is FDA approved but not yet on the childhood vaccine schedule then there's liability. That's where the window of liability is.

That's why in the United States they are hell-bent on making sure that the EUA doesn't expire before those

vaccines get officially on the childhood immunization program.

Because otherwise there will be a window in which people could sue the vaccine manufacturers.

Something I know a lot about and have spent a lot of time working on and this was purposeful in my mind. A sleight
Sep 7, 2022 4 tweets 2 min read
Some cynical people would say the reason we are here is because no one pushed back when the early treatment doctors were being harassed.

It doesn't matter if HCQ or IVM did not really work as advertised.

In hindsight, neither does the Vax.

Nor paxlovid or Remdesivir. Anyone with just a few brain cells can also see the double standards.

IVM does not work? Ban people who discuss it on social media. Ask Doctors license to be revoked.

Remdesivir does not work? You didn't take it early enough

Paxlovid does not work? Just take one more pack
Sep 6, 2022 6 tweets 2 min read
Last week I mentioned that Google was intentionally suppressing search results across Substack properties

This time I searched for "how to analyze vaers dataset"

Here is the result on Bing. Notice the two links to a website called Image
Sep 5, 2022 4 tweets 2 min read
Read this full thread.

This is basically a random person on the internet without formal medical training who is schooling a Professor who was considered "expert" enough to be brought on to a Sam Harris podcast.

But the ACTUAL defense of the Prof is remarkable. "Based on the evidence we knew back then"

OK, why DIDN'T you know the evidence which other Twitter randos DID know?

For e.g., here is a Twitter rando suggesting there were too many unknowns surrounding the vaxx to justify the experts' confidence 😂

Sep 5, 2022 4 tweets 2 min read
Just when you think things cannot possibly get any more comical....

Recently on the DarkHorse podcast @profnfenton asked "Whatever happened to the requirement of keeping the vaxx at very low temperatures?"

Turns out, "expiring" a vaccine… by accidentally storing it outside of the accepted temperature range made it less toxic (and probably less effective)

"Over time, this requirement became somewhat forgotten and temperature control of the vaccines is no longer as strictly followed...." Image
Sep 5, 2022 5 tweets 2 min read
Every so often you read an article where the signal is REALLY high and the noise very low, and this is one of those.

I learnt something new from almost every paragraph.

Everyone should read this article, even if takes a full week.… For example, DPT vax had some bad batches which led to a cluster of deaths Image
Aug 14, 2022 6 tweets 2 min read
My view is that the CDC did not relax its guidelines just because of the "boosted" vs "unvaxxed" dilemma, although I think that may have been a part of it too.

I am saying that they waited for the Future Framework to be approved before beginning "the unwinding", so to speak. In other words, they - the FDA + CDC - got what they wanted from all the absurd theater over the last few months.

A lot of stuff happened just after 28 June - the date the Future Framework got approved. E.g. Alex Berenson got back to Twitter

I am not sure it is a coincidence
Aug 14, 2022 4 tweets 1 min read
I think I need to make a new list of Tweets to record the duplicity of people who (after having profited from the pandemic) are now saying

"Everything is back to normal for me. You are just making a lot of noise to gain attention/run a grift/support your politics" etc. But we can start with the most basic question: governments worldwide launched a lot of data tracking projects with great fanfare.

You know, the ones which were supposed to definitely prove to us how stupid the unvaxxed were? "If they were still alive" (as they told us)
Aug 7, 2022 9 tweets 3 min read
Let us suppose you are quite sure that Big Tech does not actively subvert news stories about vaxx injuries.

So let us take the example of this story: Clearly, the actor "died suddenly".

Also, the cause of death is probably never going to be made public.

There is now a website called Tech-ARP which provides a "debunk" and automatically gets into the top of the search results. Image
Jul 10, 2022 16 tweets 6 min read
I agree.

But I would say the same of people who are absolutely certain that #ivermectin should not be used for COVID19 patients.

I am going a step further, and I have even created a self-evalution quiz to help you figure out if your condition is serious. Score +1 if you think #pfizer is asking you to do this because they genuinely think it is in your best interest

Jul 9, 2022 4 tweets 2 min read
Anyone with a functioning brain realized by mid to late 2021 that there was something strange about how the unvaxxed were being demonized given that the vax had hardly proven itself and there were already studies showing the efficacy waned over time. You can choose to be vaxxed or not, but what kind of an idiot would blame OTHERS if the vax fails to do its main job?

How did people not see that the vax manufacturers were setting things up for a perpetual revenue stream?

Jul 9, 2022 5 tweets 2 min read
Who had the bright idea to put this up on Twitter?

🤣 It is now getting ratio'ed and most of the replies are just memes. 😂

May 16, 2022 20 tweets 7 min read
I am starting one of those never ending threads

This one is called

"All Big Tech fact checkers are morons"

Here is the first one - this was BEFORE the pandemic started

Let me see how many I can add to this list

(suggestions welcome)
May 6, 2022 4 tweets 3 min read
The "synthetic clinical trial data" theory suggested by @Jikkyleaks actually has a lot more going for it than people think

For one, it is PRETTY CLEAR that #pfizer is scared to do more clinical trials for its EUAs

Second, by definition, this synthetic data would be statistically consistent. In fact, I think that the entire purpose of synthetic data is to smooth out statistical data anomalies.

I mean, these companies practically BOAST about it. 🤣…
Feb 1, 2022 5 tweets 2 min read
mRNA vax is now being suggested for nearly every disease known to humans (go and do some research on it).

The COVID panic as well as inflated/misleading death counts were very helpful in two ways - downplaying mRNA vax safety issues as well as…

normalizing the concept of Vaccine-as-a-Service (VaaS).

It is quite possible that doctors worldwide have convinced themselves that all the push for mRNA vax is worthwhile because it is a "noble lie" which can help cure all the major diseases.

Jan 30, 2022 6 tweets 3 min read
If you are interested in the #ivermectin story, you really should also be following @DarrellMello

Interesting fact:

IVM is NOT the main drug he uses

/1 His is a very unique story because he has treated more COVID patients than the total number of clinical trial participants that were in the original #pfizer vax trial (because he consults via telemedicine)

Starts at minute 10:…
