Cathy 🌻@Narcaware Profile picture
Power without accountability is a speeding car with no brakes. Destined 2 crash destroy stuff & kill people. BiGLiE : BREXiT : SloMoJAN6 #WhoWatchesTheWatchers?

Aug 7, 2022, 7 tweets

Dunno who needs to hear this. I don't know how captured state is on matters of security.
That's Heritage Foundation speaking. If we don't want Govt on a holy mission to mimic the CNP/Oil/Evangelical supremacists in US,
Find out who's getting paid.
Follow the money.

Can't read anymore.
Keen to see others analysis of brain breaking crap.
The projection linguistics, a central principal of schitzo- fascists👉 lie factories on TuftonSt climaxed here with audacious shitfuckery of THAT quote as prelude to alleged idea vomitus
of a paid compliant.

👀 📊by Heritage🙄


MPs throw shade at "special relationship"
(with MAGAs not Biden)
GOP&Tories seek Orbanisation of Democracy.

Hailey cited "NATO expansion" elsewhere

Called Roe v wade a "win"

Burns nod to-
"Sovereign Individuals"

Hailey invokes usual Trumpian rhetoric. Demonising pro democracy/choice women by lying. Demonising media for ignoring something she made up.( To justify her roe v wade win)

Hailey at the Home Office.

Rycroft was UK rep to UN same time Hailey was for Trump

#SharedValues Awks😬

Bored now.

Britain Govt Has Fully Morphed into a Heritage Foundation Administration.

Were fucked
This is what they want.👇

Thank gawd for @alexhallhall
(And we arrived at same state of boredom)

Alex - do you agree with my thread above? This paper has been written for him for the most part.

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