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Crypto Research | Data Insights | Lead Llama @TailoredWeb3 | Previous Contributor @Osmosiszone @artemis__xyz | Market Insights👇

Aug 9, 2022, 6 tweets

The passing of Prop 303 on @osmosiszone brought with it , the CW3 Fixed Multisig contract to enable the deployment of @ApolloDAO Safe.

🏹Let's take a look at how intuitive creating and onboarding team members is, with Apollo Safe. 🧵

2/ Begin by selecting the chain of choice. For this demonstration we will be selecting @osmosiszone

🌕However as you can see currently Terra Classic and Terra are supported.

3/ On the top right corner of the page select "Connect Wallet" This will prompt your approval of your @keplrwallet.

🧪Proceed by selecting "Create a new multi-sig wallet"

4/ Once you have selected to create a new wallet, you will be prompted to fill out:
-The name of your wallet (I've filled out mine for the demonstration)
-Team members w/respective @osmosiszone wallets
-Voting weight for each team member
-And the Quorum needed for a vote to pass

5/ And voilà! You've created a your Multisig using @ApolloDAO. You can now view:
-Team members
-Current Proposals

It's that simple🤝

6/ Why is @ApolloDAO critical for @osmosiszone and crypto in general?

Apollo is enabling non-technical users to manage their multisig funds. Doing so will streamline the ability of #DAOs to manage funds in a safe and efficient manner.


🤑Apollo Pay
🧪Apollo Router

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