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Aug 12, 2022, 7 tweets

Sports & health go hand in hand.


It doesn’t matter how you move. How fit you are. When it comes to your health and wellbeing, every move counts! 👉 #Sport4Health #BeActive

Nutrition 🥗🍍🥕🍅 is essential for health and well-being at every stage of life.

Eating a healthy diet allows you to enjoy sports and helps prevent a range of diseases. Right nutrition fights malnutrition in all its forms. 👉 #Sport4Health

Here are 3 basic measures you can follow while attending a mass gathering like a sporting event:

✅ Maintain at least 1 metre distance from others
✅ Clean your 🤲 frequently
✅ Avoid touching 👀, 👃 & 👄 and cover a sneeze/cough

👉 #Sport4Health

If you are feeling unwell🤒, you should avoid attending any mass gathering or sporting event and stay at home.

👉 #Sport4Health

#DYK? Alcohol producers are increasing their sales & targeting consumers through

❗️sponsorship of sporting/E-sports/gaming events
❗️partnership with sports leagues & clubs

WHO is working to address this👉

Smoking is a bad idea.

Kick out tobacco from all sports. This helps everyone - fans and players. Let’s commit to a healthier environment.

👉 #Sport4Health

Regular physical activity in the morning or afternoon, even for short periods, boosts your #MentalHealth.


👉 #SportsHealth

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