Andreea Enache Profile picture
© made in the United Villages of Romania / Whatever

Aug 12, 2022, 11 tweets

#Geoengineering #ClimateChange #TheGreatResist

UNITED NATIONS. R. Peterson (2007)

Climate Change is man-made but man-made in a different way than you may guess. Govs and international corporations are modifying our weather all the time.

🎥 thread 🧵


#ClimateChange #Chemtrails #TheGreatResist

UN address 2007

‘They are making man-made clouds and this is trapping warmth in our atmosphere.

1 jet can leave a trail which can expand to 4.000 km and last for 20h. This was unheard of in the 60s and the 70s.’

🎥 thread 👇👆

#GeoEngineering #ClimateChange #TheGreatResist

UN address 2007

-they are sending up canisters to experiment with the Ionisfere

-depleting beneficial Ozone by releasing nitric acid

-Aluminum, Barium, Strontium - are in our drinking water now, in rainwater

🎥 thread👆👇

Do watch these clips 👆before: you blame “humanity” for draught & rainwater being unsafe

They will blame your “Carbon Footprint” and make YOU pay, they will TAX YOU for climate change and water

They blame cows for CO2 they exhale, CH4 they burp (just like YOU do) Wake up!

thread 👆👇

Do think,research before you agree with carbon footprint passes. Climate change is not your fault, as these Malthusians want you to believe. It's not due to your CO2, CH4 or the cows they are culling now because they can see their farts from space...

thread 👇👆
Climate change, just like Covid are not “the disease of the Anthropocene”, as Mazzucato (chair of The WHO Council on the Economics of Health For All) and others are gaslighting you.

We don't need a “climate lockdown”, they do!

thread 👆👇

Carbon taxes are not the solution for Climate Change. Don’t fall for it.

#ClimateChange thread 👆👇

Do think before:

- you get radicalized, as this guy says (pic1)

- or act, as this article suggests (pic2)

(keep in mind that their solution=more taxes for you)…

research and watch the clips above👆

PFA use - next tweet👇

#ClimateChange thread

PFAs are used in all industry branches - ie: including in the medical one. article 👆says that these industries should pay. That would lead to:

-> smaller production, higher prices
-> lots of people won’t have access to vital products. do we want that?!?

#ClimateChange thread 👆👇

extra: countries like China are openly messing up with the climate and turning the sky into a bean soup of chemicals. do look it up.


#ClimateChange thread 👆👇

extra. interesting links below 👇

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