Asher Bajwa 📶 Profile picture
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Aug 12, 2022, 7 tweets

Here is the part II of "Imran Khan is winning the Narrative".

41+ Political Vlogs ranked, alot of good additions to new Political Vlogs, some interesting changes.



Total Viewership Space
Top 3 Vlogs (@ImranRiazKhan, @ARYSabirShakir, @ShahabSpeaks) occupy 56% of the viewership space.

Imran Khan Tilt
Vlogs with @ImranKhanPTI tilt occupy 83% of viewership space.

Average View Per Month improvements:
Total Viewership Rank
1. @ImranRiazKhan , 2.@soldierspeaks ,
3. @ARYSabirShakir , 4. @ShahabSpeaks 5.@ghaziusama , 6.@_Mansoor_Ali
7. @IbrahimR_

Average Views per Video Changes
1. @ImranRiazKhan , 2.@HabibAkram , 3. @MoeedNj , 4 @_Mansoor_Ali 5.@ShahabSpeaks , 6. @FarooquiJameel 7. @ARYSabirShakir

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