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Aug 12, 2022, 14 tweets

"I can’t get IG Report on Mike Ellis’ aborted hiring as NSA General Counsel out of my head"

probably good reason for that, @emptywheel



just like Joseph Cuffari, I suspect you'll be hearing Michael Ellis' name a lot in coming days

simultaneous to Yam Tits packing boxes to (criminally, it would seem) schlep down to MarALago, Michael Ellis was in a bit of a tiff with NSA

@emptywheel again emptywheel.net/2022/02/11/whi…

13 Jan 2021: "Ellis created or directed copying of NSA notebooks with compartmented, classified info without NSA knowledge, consent or control" 👀

@trcfwtt @TeresaCCarter2 @j2dumfounded @DavidManOnFire @WendyBugliari @kelly2277 @gal_suburban

separate incident: NSA docs Mike Ellis REFUSED TO RETURN were "out of positive control" for 6 days

for background Ellis was same traitorous mob-goblin who improperly hid tfg's call with Zelenskyy on that secret server

which we learned from patriot @AVindman

<pardon me while I stitch together threads>

Mike Ellis had soft-landing at Trunk Senchal, which could be just another Chinese-spying op disguised as "investment"

did any docs make their way to PRC?

I'm able to piece this sh*t together bc of @MingGao26 @arapaho415 @100FrogLegs & @j2dumfounded 🙏

here's @emptywheel in May who was correct yet again

"what" is way more important than why or how 👀

thanks to intrepid reporting via @DevlinBarrett & others we know signals intel (#SIGINT for short) was likely in boxes stolen by tfg's mob goons


China KSA Russia & others would be thrilled to acquire #SIGINT (and have unlimited mob funds to pay for it)

kinda textbook "aid and comfort" ain't it?

let's tie this section up—

⁉️ who took classified docs/made copies: Mike Ellis

⁉️ which agency demanded Ellis return them: NSA

⁉️ what highly sensitive stuff was found at MobALago: #SIGINT

⁉️ which agency focuses on #SIGINT? NSA

Mike Ellis ain't the only possible culprit; Devin Nunes flunky Kash Patel is also in-the-frame as
@IgnatiusPost wrote in April '21 washingtonpost.com/opinions/2021/…

tfg waged ALL OUT WAR on USIC and Kash Patel was his happy henchman

should we be assuming DOJ is in "pre-indictment stage" for tfg? check out @emptywheel's latest and know this: not just one person is responsible here

takes a village to subvert democracy.


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