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Aug 12, 2022, 8 tweets

Update on Mar-A-Lago Documents 1/

Short Thread to update after reading search warrant & the receipt of items seized

Trump is currently investigated for ESPIONAGE. That potentially carries death penalty

Trump received subpoena in June to return stolen documents. He defied it

Mar-A-Lago Documents 2/

FBI came with court-authorized search warrant & seized over 20 BOXES of US govt docs that Trump is not allowed to possess

That he willfully refused to return them & FBI found them establishes Trump's GUILT. He KNEW it is illegal when he did it. Slam dunk

Mar-A-Lago Documents 3/

Trump tried lies. His attorneys were personally present during search. Trump watched via Mar-A-Lago security cams everything with Melanoma. They handed him the search warrant & receipt. Trump even gave WRONG info to Fox & Wall Street Journal to spin story

Mar-A-Lago Documents 3/

There were 5 BOXES of files that are classified at Top Secret or above levels. The criminal statutes listed include MILITARY secrets

When Reality Winner copied ONE classified document, she was convicted to 5 years. Trump stole 5 BOXES of files

Mar-A-Lago Documents 4/

Trump stole government property. Nine of the 20 boxes contained classified documents. Most of the 9 were FULL of classified docs. 5 of the 9 boxes had TOP SECRET or higher level classified docs

Trump HID these documents. He will be convicted of espionage

Mar-A-Lago Documents 5/

Understand also the affidavit that led to this search warrant. We have not seen that. But one of the criminal statutes listed was about DESTRUCTION of government documents

The DOJ has shown a judge proof, that Trump has been DESTROYING (or damaging) docs

Mar-A-Lago Documents 6/

There is an informant (likely several) that the DOJ has assisting with this investigation

Now that this story is out, there are OTHERS who KNOW they were involved, who will now enter their own Grand #Flippathon. Some will flip & rat out others

Mar-A-Lago Documents 7/

There is no question

Trump stole over 100 files of Top Secret classified documents and maybe 500 lower level classified documents

He refused to return them when ordered by subpoena

DOJ have Trump with his hand in the cookie jar


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