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Aug 13, 2022, 8 tweets

#KenyaDecides2022: There is a huge problem because UDA allegedly hijacked Nation servers transmitting results and installed an algorithm to increase Ruto's votes on screen by 100,000 per 500,000 votes.

Then, using their contacts at IEBC, they hacked the server and uploaded bogus forms whose content do no correspond to polling station results on form 34A.

Consequently, IEBC has decided that only verified results at the Constituency level will be announced by the electoral body as valid. So far, Chebukati has announced two Constituencies.

What this means is that there will be no official results until next week. The UDA activities also explain why the counting of votes on the screen has been stopped.

Some forms which have been downloaded by media houses and tabulated on screen are fake because they were uploaded by UDA after UDA deleted valid forms transmitted from tallying centres.

After they uploaded fake forms at IEBC, Itumbi made a video and announced that Ruto will win with 7 million plus votes.

@IEBCKenya says that it has to verify all results before announcing them. Verification is being done together with Party agents and other stake holders.

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