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Aug 15, 2022, 9 tweets

$CANTO is a new layer-1 #cosmos SDK chain. Using the test network and providing feedback resulted in a 15k token airdrop.

Why do I think it could really pop off?

A Thread 🧵

Canto is built using Cosmos SDK core modules and Tendermint Consensus with an EVM execution layer in the form of the Ethermint Module and network owned/incentivized defi primitives (stablecoin, dex, lending market)

The core blockchain infrastructure is forked from #EVMOS

If you participated in the testnet of @CantoPublic, you should be able to claim the $CANTO airdrop. If you want to stake it, you can do so too (rewards are not yet enabled).

🔄 Trade:
💵 Stake:

If you’re looking to buy $CANTO, here’s how to:

• Bridge $WETH or $USDC ->
• Convert to $CANTO (evm) ->
• Swap to $CANTO:

Thanks @thequietcrypt for this summary

You don't need to claim the airdrop. $CANTO is automatically distributed to the wallet. You just need to add the Canto network to MetaMask (or any other wallet):…

More technical:

The stable coin of the $CANTO ecosystem "Note" is a standard ERC-20 token. The only way to create new Note is to borrow it directly from the cNote lending market in the same way any other asset is borrowed.

➡️ Read more about it here:…

"Canto realizes the vision set out by the first builders that core primitives should exist as Free Public Infrastructure (FPI)." featuring a 0% fee DEX which can be huge - if done properly.…

If you're only here for the $CANTO links:

🔄 Trade:
💵 Stake:
💡 Learn:…
✔ Validators:…
🌐 Web:

Is it cosmos ecosystem fork szn soon? 💰

If you are looking for a token explorer for $CANTO - here it is. Now you can really start digging:

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