Talha Hussain Gulbargavi | طلحہ حسین گلبرگوی Profile picture
Muslim Indian, Dakhni & Gulbargavi. #Journalist, Founder @Deccandigest, Rts≠endorsement. #Engineer #HistoryNerd #freepalestine

Aug 15, 2022, 9 tweets

#Thread #Long #RSS_तिरंगा_विरोधी
August 15, 1947, was a historical day in the eventful history of India. India got independence after a long and heroic struggle against British colonialism. this is how RSS "celebrated" Independence Day 75 years ago.

In 1947, Sanghis Celebrated Independence day by
1. Denigrating Tiranga
2. Abusing the constitution
3. Abusing Democracy & Secularism!!

1. Tiranga:
“The ppl who've come to power by the kick of fate may give in our hands tricolor but it wil nevr be respected & owned by Hindus. The word "3" is in itself an evil, & a flag having 3 colors wil certainly produce a vry bad psychological effect & is injurious to country.

Golwalkar further abused Tricolor by saying “It was just a politician’s patchwork and political expediency. It was not inspired by any national vision or truth based on our national history and heritage."

He also Called the tiranga an "utter vacuum in our minds.” In another book, he said “it was the saffron flag, wch in totality, represented the Bharatiya culture” “It was the embodiment of God. We firmly believe that, in the end, the whole nation wil bow before this saffron flag.”

if you thought that "the parts of Bunch of thoughts are not Valid today" statement by Bhagwat was true, then think again. Here are some of RSS's & BJP's leaders in the last few years

--"Hindusthan only the Hindus form the nation"
-- "Nation itself must be built up of Hindus, on Hindu traditions, culture, ideas and aspirations”

3. CONSTITUTION: Three days after the CA passed Constitution the RSS’ English organ, Organizer on November 30, 1949, in an editorial, rejected it and demanded the archaic, anti-egalitarian Manusmriti. Organizer had this to say

This is just a few minutes of Google research.. more interesting details can be found in the seminal works of Prof Shamsul Islam, AG Noorani, and others.

Sources: Sabrang, Indian Express, Leaflet, Print.

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