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Author, consultant, motivational speaker. Biggest social media slut in mobile. A mAd vidiot, F1 fan, globetrotting digital gypsy 007 wannabe. The T Dawg

Aug 15, 2022, 16 tweets

Tom Barrack Aug Thread 1/

Ukraine War caused interruption in my updates but time to do Path 5: Tom Barrack

Tom Barrack was Trump's inauguration finance chair. He is closest thing Trump had to a real friend. Tom was a spy for UAE. He was arrested last summer. His trial in Sept

Tom Barrack Aug Thread 2/

Donald Trump faces 6 paths to prison for LIFE

1. Weisselberg (NY Taxes etc)
2. Giuliani (Ukraine etc)
3. Matt Gaetz (leads to Trump selling pardons)
4. Roger Stone (Jan 6th)
5. Tom Barrack (UAE etc incl extortion of Qatar)
6. Mark Meadows (Espionage)

Tom Barrack Aug Thread 3/

Tom Barrack trials include at least following elements:
1. Espionage for UAE (Dubai & Abu Dhabi)
2. Extortion of Qatar
3. Nuclear tech transfer to Saudi Arabia
4. Inauguration financial fraud

DOJ has been adding superceding indictments, only 1st filed

Tom Barrack Aug Thread 4/

This is one of Mueller's hand-off cases. It was ready for arrest but Bill Barr blocked it. Merrick Garland approved the arrest almost immediately he become AG. So one of the collateral damage out of Barrack is possibly Bill Barr.

Tom Barrack Aug Thread 5/

Tom Barrack joined with Jared Kushner to run a rogue foreign policy behind the backs of Tillerson & Mattis. Connected to Barrack - Manafort and Bannon, possibly Roger Stone. Erik Prince, Gen Flynn may also be involved.

Tom Barrack Aug Thread 6/

When DOJ filed initial indictments on which Tom Barrack was arrested, he was accused of being an illegal lobbyist for UAE. He should have flipped then. DOJ upped his charges with 9 new counts including espionage. Barrack took $374 million bribe from UAE

Tom Barrack Aug Thread 7/

More superceding indictments are expected in this case. The Government handed Tom Barrack's attorneys 100,000 documents of Barrack's crimes. This case is very strong

They also may have a flip or 2 flips

Tom Barrack Aug Thread 8/

I said the only rule of the Grand #Flippathon is to flip first. In this criminal trial, the obviousl flip race is between Tom Barrack and Jared Kushner. If you've been following my TW stream, I believe Jared has flipped. That screws Tom Barrack royally

Tom Barrack Aug Thread 9/

Barrack was arrested & indicted together with an associate Matthew Grimes. Barack was paing $2 million dollars in Grimes's legal fees

But in June Grimes severred ties to Barrack. If Grimes was flipping, that would happen. But is not certain he flipped

Tom Barrack Aug Thread 10/

What we saw in Lev Parnas, his attorneys negotiated 9 months for deal, it fell through: no deal. Parnas WANTED a deal

Why did Feds lose interest suddenly? My guess is that was the evidence found in FBI raid of Giuliani's office

Tom in similar peril

Tom Barrack Aug Thread 11/

Like in any Mafia Trial, the Boss is tried last

Barrack was arrested, his criminal trial is now
Next will be Jared and likely some others, like Pompeo
Trump will be tried last so he can't blame others

Tom Barrack Aug Thread 12/

I estimated Tom Barrack cumulative criminal prison sentences would be 70 years. If he does not get a plea bargain, he will not outlive his prison sentence

Trump prison time related to Tom Barrack crimes (so not Jan 6th, or taxes etc) is 90 years

Tom Barrack Aug Thread 13/

Collateral damage of foreign policy incl Bannon, Manafort, Jared, and likely Pompeo; and Bill Barr

Barrack was ALSO Trump's inauguration finance chair. Trumps swindled money in that scam. So collateral damage include Melania, Ivanka, Weisselberg

Tom Barrack Aug Thread 14/

The Government has Tom Barrack caught cold. If Jared flipped, it means Government does not NEED Tom Barrack to testify against Trump. His bargaining power would be minimal. BUT it is possible Tom has also flipped, or flipped before Jared.

Tom Barrack Aug Thread 15/

Donald Trump's first foreign trip was not to Canada or Britain. It was to Saudi Arabia in May 2017

All of Trump's Middle East meddling was corrupt. Tom Barrack organized early parts, Jared took over; later Pompeo continued corruption

Trump: 90 years


As I posted this, news broke that DOJ has told court in filing, that an informant used for Mar-A-Lago raid is also assisting on a 'totally unrelated' investigation into Trump

Jared is speculated to be that informant. And if he flipped, would incl this case vs Barrack

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