Tim Hogan 浩勤 Profile picture
UMass Amherst Political Science, Int'l Rel & 中文 Minors. JD Univ. Hawaii. Liberal. Still have my Kennedy/Johnson button. Jin Jiyan Azadî

Aug 16, 2022, 6 tweets

1. Another massive explosion in Crimea. Reports that it was at or near the airbase at #Dzankoi in the northern end of occupied Crimea. Quick look at Google Earth shows helicopters and possible ordinance storage though it doesn't look very safe.

2. Here is the overhead view showing #Dzankoi's location.

3. This shows the air base and also a large railyard that could also have been a target. Still waiting for more reports.

4. This shows that the base was used for Russian helicopters.

5. And again we see where ordinance was likely meant to be stored but without any hardened revetments that would prevent easy detonation.

6. Still learning how to use FIRMS but I think this shows the satellite is about to pass over Dzhankoi so hopefully we will see exactly what was hit.

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