Tim Hogan 浩勤 Profile picture
UMass Political Science, Int'l Rel & 中文 Minors. JD Univ. Hawaii. Liberal. Still have my Kennedy/Johnson button. https://t.co/j9jJ1DodWX Jin Jiyan Azadî
193 subscribers
Mar 16 11 tweets 2 min read
The Kremlin continues to push a false narrative about Ukrainian forces remaining in the Kursk region when Ukraine fully withdrew over two weeks ago. It's possible a few reconisance units remain but even that is unlikely. So why the big lie? My initial thought was Putin was trying to keep the Russian population engaged in his patriotic war to defend the Motherland, but I'm moving away from this propaganda motive to one of greater concern.
Feb 28 4 tweets 1 min read
I've seen some recent posts that claim that Musk has used his Tesla shares as collateral in large loans to finance his other operations. If that is true, it's possible that Tesla share's slide has put him at risk of a default that could mean he loses everything in an instant. I think Tesla is now domiciled in Texas and if that is so the lenders would likely have control agreements in place with Tesla that requires them to follow the lenders' instructions in the event of a default, What we need to know is, what are the loan covenants?
Feb 16 5 tweets 1 min read
The @GOP will collapse on itself when Trump reveals he's precisely who we thought he was: Putin's stooge and the enemy of democracy. Shun those who would cede US power and moral authority to a defeated degenerate Russian mass murderer. First, everyone must cut the cord and destroy @FoxNews and the other propaganda organs the cable industry forces us to subsidize. Listen to @MSNBC on @tunein until the network is free from the burden of subsidizing the corporate enemies of democracy. Prepare to cut the cord.
Dec 28, 2024 9 tweets 2 min read
Everyone calls Musk the richest person in the world because it's easy to count his @tesla shares and multiply them by the share price. But that doesn't mean Musk has the most cash or that he could ever realize the cash value because, to do it, he'd have to sell shares and the price would fall. Wealth is a term that needs definition. Owning a load of land in a country like Germany might make one "wealthy" but the taxes and
Dec 2, 2024 4 tweets 1 min read
HTS knows that their leader has a drone strike target pined to his tunic. His complicity with Turkey is apparent. The board is being reset. Military aircraft do no appear to be moving but yesterday and today show a large number of executive jets in the region that tells me the players are talking but don't trust the phone. That could mean that what they are planning bad for the west. After Israel's brutal treatment of Palestinian civilians it was only a matter of time for the retaliatory blood letting to begin.
Nov 28, 2024 5 tweets 1 min read
I spotted the Kremlin sock puppets during the 2016 campaign because I'd seen them while covering Ukraine. What I have seen recently on Twitter aka X is that Generative AI is being used to steer the tariff discussion. I don't have time or the will to engage so I simply block the accounts once I am relatively sure of their origin. My suspicion is that the tariff absurdity is straight out of the SVR and Trump adopted it as a condition of Elmo being the Kremlin source of cash to win the election. I think Trump is backing away from Elmo
Nov 3, 2024 4 tweets 1 min read
1. I have supported a two-state solution to the conflict in #Palestine for my entire life. I agree that #Netanyahu's conduct of the war in #Gaza violated the the law of armed conduct and could support charges of #genocide. I don't believe that #Arab and 2. other #Muslim Americans' lives will be somehow improved if #Trump is elected.
Political power comes from coalitions. Working on campaigns, being reliable partners when the call comes is how my #Irish ancestors gained political power.
Nov 2, 2024 9 tweets 2 min read
1. It’s been eight years since Comey dropped his October surprise. When I witnessed what he did, I knew Hillary was going to lose. Her historic negatives, closeness to election day and a massive Kremlin-run sock-puppet army combined with the fact that it dropped 2. too close to the election for Hillary to have time to recover. I began working on life under the fascist creature before the election day in 2016 and I’m still working. It's 100 hours to D-Day and this time, in sharp contrast to 2016, I have zero anxiety.
Oct 28, 2024 7 tweets 2 min read
1. What's Trump's long game where he appears to have given up trying to win? Moving further to extreme right is insanity in this close race. Why would he do that? I think the facts we currently have strongly suggest he's being bribed most likely by Putin with Musk as an agent. 2. His mission is to destroy America. He showed us today what it will look like. He's preparing his brown shirts to once again take to violence. Damaged people like Mike Johnson who looks like an a Kompromat victim is going to help. But this isn't 2021.
Oct 19, 2024 5 tweets 1 min read
What Trump and his big money supporters don't get is, if there's a plan to commit crimes to overturn this election & funders & others know of the illegal purpose & agree to it, all it takes is one overt act by one conspirator to trigger criminal conspiracy liability for all. Their criminal exposure doesn't await the outcome of the election and the execution of the plan. Their crimes were already committed when they agreed. It's obvious what Trump is planning. Imagine he's a bank robber who is awaiting trial for robbing a certain bank.
Oct 13, 2024 11 tweets 3 min read
1. I tried to check something on the WayBack @internetarchive and Murphy's Law dictated it would be down. I wanted to see where @jontester was polling six years ago. Trump tried really hard to unseat him in 2018. He failed. Image 2. I have always joined lost causes. I have one religious item that I treasure. It's my St. Jude medal. The patron Saint of lost causes. I bought the day the RedSox played game 4 of the ALCS against the Yankees in 2004. I think there are MT voters out there who can be reached.
Sep 29, 2024 5 tweets 2 min read
1. The GOP has already tried a blanket tariff program, one that led to the global economic collapse of the Great Depression. .

In my view, Trump's call to repeat this insanity is likely beingen.wikipedia.org/wiki/Smoot–Haw… 2. directed by the Kremlin because Russia does not export goods and needs to destroy the Western economies to level its strategic playing field. If we are concealing Trump's communications with Putin, in my view, we are engaged in dangerous meddling in the
Sep 28, 2024 6 tweets 1 min read
1. I have a @UMassAmherst undergrad political science degree but I'm clearly not competent to discuss the impact of polls with the experts. What I have is a life of political involvement that started as young child in the 1950s driving around Florissant Mo with my dad 2. while he campaigned for city counsel and police commissioner. That started a thread that leads to this election and I have some non-expert views about the state of the race. I will say it with the warning that what I learned as a child remains true:
Sep 21, 2024 8 tweets 2 min read
1. What’s Trump’s long-game by making clear he’s a Nazi? First, we have known for over a decade he was a Hitler sycophant. His now-deceased former spouse informed us that the kept Hitler’s speeches as bedtime reading material. 2. But in the past few days, Trump has issued a threat to Jews that he is now saying will be blamed for his loss plus his VP pick is echoing the Nazi narrative. I think two things may we driving it.
Sep 19, 2024 4 tweets 1 min read
1. I've been watching for this. Quinnipiac poll confirms Trump's advancing mental disintegration and the absurd false attacks on Haitians may have pushed the the right's ability to suspend disbelief and accept Trump as normal to the brink. Image 2. Turnout will be driven by Dobbs and in particular Black women in this historic election in the key states like PA and Georgia. Economic news favors Harris. As Trump tries to increase his radical base turnout he will drive the moderates away.
Sep 12, 2024 4 tweets 1 min read
MAGA has begun to devour their young. It's certainly about eating something. This is a Loomer post an hour old. Doubling down on the Trump disaster. They know this is causing people to flee the crazy train. Image
Sep 6, 2024 10 tweets 2 min read
1. I think I know who Co-Conspirator No. 5 is any it may be why the Special Counsel delivered something secret to court on Wednesday. Conspiracies are dangerous for defendants. Evidence that would usually be kept out comes in. 2. Here is the description of Co-Conspirator No. 5 from the Superseding Indictment: Image
Sep 2, 2024 8 tweets 2 min read
1. I was never a Mueller fan. That happens when your brother investigates someone but declines as he declined on Reagan, Bush41 and Barr. Mueller's team was made up of solid, ethical, courageous career DOJ pros. But Mueller was a GOP insider with baggage hidden from our view. 2. The truth about Trump's treason was in the NSA and CIA intercepts. We never saw them and may never see them. It's the flaw that may bring us down. A dangerous remnant of the Nixon years that, when they came crashing down, allowed people like Barr to burrow into the system
Aug 31, 2024 4 tweets 1 min read
1. The press has again dropped the ball on holding Trump accountable. What we need to know is where was Trump during the time after he landed at Dulles Friday night? Who was with him? Who witnessed it? What came is a reset. Pro-Kremlin stooges appeared in his campaign. 2. Who authorized Trump's photo op at Arlington that a private citizen doesn't get? That person gave him the trappings of a sitting @POTUS. Who was that? What communications did that person or their team have with people in the emerging Trump/Kremlin team?
Aug 25, 2024 4 tweets 1 min read
I have kept quiet about this because I don't like to engage in what might be considered stereotyping but the @nytimes is so far off the rails that it must be said. We need to consider that Carlos Slim is compromised by Russian connections to drug cartels who he knows can reach him and has used his early significant and now more minority stake to infiltrate the Times' management, line reporting and editorial staff.
Aug 17, 2024 6 tweets 2 min read
1. If Putin declares he'll revert to nuclear weapons to save his corrupt regime from ignominious defeat, we should consider a declaration of war with a commitment of no first-use of nuclear weapons that takes that threat off the table. But what that declaration would do is this: 2. The moment POTUS signs the simple majority joint resolution of a declaration of war, all Russian national assets of any kind in the US or subject to US control become the permanent, irreversible property of the US Custodian under the Trading with the Enemy Act.