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Aug 16, 2022, 24 tweets

Brexit, a trojan horse to hide the tory mismanagement and theft of over £2 trillion since 2010 only makes up 1.25% of the money lost

#Austerity £1T #Brexit £25B #Cov19 £400B #Debt £500B
#UK #ToryFascists #BackBoris #EU #BrexitLies #DenazifyUkraine #UN #abolishNATO #BrexitChaos

1) Out of nowhere the Brexit referendum was announced and the date set was June 23rd 2016 by David Cameron.

'A once in a generation decision'
'Its your chance to decide if we stay or leave the EU'
'The government will implement what you decide'
'Its just an IN/OUT vote'

2) The government, establishment and most of the media, who should be impartial, sent out leaflets to every house claiming they believe the UK should remain in the EU

The date was set and everyone seemed to be ready, happy with the up-and-coming vote and a friendly vibe about it

3) The result of the referendum was to change everything. The battle line had been drawn, but it wasn't until after the result we would see the scale of the operation from both sides of the vote, plus what had to be done after the vote was to be the big talking point

4) The remainers warned of the risks of leaving the EU"
Every house be £4300 worse off❎
Leaving would be difficult✅
Loss of freedom of movement damaging✅
Cant set up trade with world❎
Problems with Ireland, borders and laws✅
House prices would drop❎
Food price rises✅❎

5) The brexiteers claimed
Lets give £350Million to NHS❎
Free trade agreements will be easy❎
Take back control/sovereinity✅❎
UK holds all the cards❎
No Problems with Ireland, borders and laws❎
House price rise✅
Less unemployment✅
Food/cloth price drop❎
Less asylum❎

6) The deal the UK had was to be part of the EU from 1973 to 2020, but not in the Schengen or Eurozone, to have a common travel area with Ireland and the tax havens such as Gibraltar to only be a part of the single market

7) 70% of our laws were British laws and 12.3% from the EU, the devolved and crown dependency governments had 17.7% of their own laws. The process of changing all the EU laws into British ones will come into effect as of Dec 31st, 2023 and has been going on since Dec 31st, 2018

8) The UK chose to leave the EU (72% turnout)
on the 23rd June 2016
51.9% (17,410,742) leave
48.1% (16,141,241) Remain
🏴󠁧󠁢󠁥󠁮󠁧󠁿53% Leave
🏴󠁧󠁢󠁳󠁣󠁴󠁿52% Remain
🏴󠁧󠁢󠁷󠁬󠁳󠁿52% Leave
NI 55.8% Remain

The problems and fights had just begun and the nation was divided from this day on

9) From the May 7th 2015 General election when David Cameron won, to the day the UK left the EU there were many votes, procrastinations, leaving dates, new laws and trade deals to sign, 3 prime ministers, 3 opposition leaders and over £20Billion spent on legal divorce fees

10) The Brexit timeline from 6 different perspectives
🥷The brexiteers
🦸‍♀️The remainers
📺The media
🏦The banks
🇪🇺The EU
🇬🇧The UK gov

I distinctly remember the Gov/media/banks/EU/Remainers had it in the bag and were polled to win.

A bomb exploded after the result had happened

11) After the referendum happened, for 4 years remainers, the government, the media and the EU tried all they could to sabotage, stop, reverse or cancel Brexit as they didn't like the result, which was a direct democratic vote, as a change to sovereignty requires a referendum

12) After 7 years of Brexit, I would have to say its not a 'done deal' the UK is about halfway through it being a 'done deal', there are plenty of more 'deals to be done'.
Its all been implemented by a mismanaged, slack, crony and expensive government in the middle of Cov19

13) The EU (by my understanding) has great democratic institutions in the form of its single market, parliament and council but I always found the commission and central bank a crony/technocratic place where 25,000 lobbyists swirl around influencing for the big corporations

14) People from the USA lobbied for the UK to leave the EU. Many groups were set up and funded usually being out of Tufton Street and from the think tanks. This network of people from the USA and UK want these 2 nations to form stronger ties away from their competitor the EU

15) The ruling class is made up of The Establishment, the aristocracy, the royal family and the city of London. When the UK left the EU, the same wealthy people owned all the lands, resources and food and they only increased the price of everything and their destruction of the UK

16) The British empire, slave trade, world wars, post-war era, the end of the empire, the slow but coming climate crisis, 13 years of Austerity, brexit, Cov19, Debts, new monarch, the impending WEF and UN overriding laws and sovereignty, has somewhat changed the UK and its people

17) The UK finally left the EU on the 31st of January 2020 after 2 years of debate, delay, and procrastination from both the EU and the pro-EU UK government, with many things, still left to tie up in the deal that will continue for years to come and which has severed ties

18) The EU a trade block with its biggest country Germany is economically bankrupt due to sanctions that it placed on Russia for its involvement in the war in Ukraine has probably lowered this even further as people look towards Asia and BRICS for more trusting trade deals

19) Before, during and after the conservative-led Austerity, Brexit and Cov19. The UK has become a swamp of corporate, WEF and globalist-controlled politicians with Octopus style tentacles branching, infiltrating and taking over all forms and departments of government and society

@threadreaderapp unroll

20) International and domestic laws, trading blocks, committees, councils and governments of the world are an interwoven, complex minefield of information and alliances to delve through in order to be a part of the international world order

21) Trade deficit of 97BN (4% projected value) per year since leaving EU

Trade agreements since leaving EU
CPTPP 60Bn 2.4%+
CEPA 30Bn 1.2%+
SACUM 12Bn 0.4%+
EEA EFTA 25Bn 1%+

Whilst trade will take years to grow it is clear the UK's trade will grow more being out of the EU

22) 4 decades of Euro-sceptic debate, Brexit started 20th Feb 2016 and will end Dec 31st, 2023 or 2,871 days as all EU laws are signed over. More cronyism/corruption will follow but the ship is leaving the harbour now.

Brexit's failures/success should be judged from now

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