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Aug 17, 2022, 13 tweets

The urgency of the climate crisis is indisputable. Join us on September 28 in San Francisco for this year’s RE:WIRED Green conference to get actionable steps on how to tackle climate change. Here's who will be speaking: #REWIREDGreen wired.trib.al/lMLMkMl 1/13

CEO of Food Systems for the Future, Ertharin Cousin @Ertharin1 2/13

Founder and CEO of Nobell Foods, Magi Richani @MagiRichani 3/13

CEO of Umaro Foods, Beth Zotter @beth_zotter 4/13

Explorer and palaeontologist, Kenneth Lacovara @kenlacovara 5/13

President and chairman of Mission Blue, Sylvia Earle @SylviaEarle 6/13

Founder of Climate Cardinals and US Representative to the UN Youth Advisory Group on Climate Change, Sophia Kianni @SophiaKianni 7/13

Vision & Initiatives partner for Taproot Earth, Collette Pichon Battle @CPichonBattle 8/13

Founder of Fixit Clinic, Peter Mui @petermui 9/13

Executive director of New Harvest, Isha Datar @IshaDatar 10/13

Assistant professor at UC San Diego, Patricia Hidalgo-Gonzales @Dr_PatyHG 11/13

Photographer Camille Seaman @CamilleSeaman

Don’t miss out on this world-changing event. Purchase your tickets today by visiting wired.trib.al/lMLMkMl 13/13

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