Kacie Ahmed Profile picture
26 • CEO of @LearnWeb3IO⚡️ | Helping people break into tech 💻| Web3 Developer

Aug 18, 2022, 6 tweets

As a web3 dev, it took me 4 months to find my first job 💰

But it can be hard to get into web3 without a strong portfolio.

Here are 4 projects you can add to your web3 portfolio in less than a week.

A thread 🧵

1. Build your first DApp

Estimated time: 3 hours ⏰


2. Build your own DAO

Estimated time: 3 days ⏰


3. Build an NFT Marketplace

Estimated time: 5 days ⏰


4. Build your own Nameservice

Estimated time: 6 days ⏰


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