Lizzie Glithero-West Profile picture
CEO @heritage_ngos lover of aged things, mother. Trustee @theEES ✍️ @culture_baby, advisory @CanalRiverTrust @HistEnvForum, lectures @UniofOxford Views my own.

Aug 18, 2022, 11 tweets

The 19thC Ferry Mary Anne - the last surviving rowed Windermere ferry built before the steam powered chain ferry introduced in 1870. One of the large rowed Windermere ferries that had huge oars known as sweeps and a movable ramp. It sank off Belle Isle after WW2 @windermerejetty

Some great collections at @windermerejetty

The boathouse has the Swallow & the Amazon, 1950s boats used in the 2016 film #SwallowsandAmazons alongside various other beauties

Love the #ArthurRansome collection including his sketchbook @windermerejetty

Dress up collections also a hit

Special exhibitions this time include - A gorgeous room with the watercolour art of Barbara Nicholls inspired by the Lake District @windermerejetty

Here’s a few more… @windermerejetty

Outside here’s an interactive trail about sailing & wind direction @windermerejetty

I already tweeted about the conservation happening on site at @windermerejetty - here also is the large vessel Raven undergoing conservation

Also a great area for little visitors.

Here’s a chain on the site in 2018 while it was still in construction. Such a fantastic space. @windermerejetty

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