Tomi T Ahonen Moved to Post, Spoutible & Mastodon Profile picture
Author, consultant, motivational speaker. Biggest social media slut in mobile. A mAd vidiot, F1 fan, globetrotting digital gypsy 007 wannabe. The T Dawg

Aug 18, 2022, 7 tweets

99 Bottles Of Beer On A Wall

99 mobsters of Trump gonna fall
99 mobsters of Trump
They're all gonna flip
No doubt about it
See the Trump mobsters they're down going all

Allen of Weisselberg, he took the fall
He is a mobster of Trump
They're all gonna flip
No doubt..

99 Bottles Of Beer On A Wall

98 mobsters of Trump gonna fall
98 mobsters of Trump
They're all gonna flip
No doubt about it
See the Trump mobsters they're down going all

Steve Bannon asshole he smells bad as shit
He is a mobster of Trump
They're all gonna flip
No doubt about it

99 Bottles Of Beer On A Wall

97 mobsters of Trump gonna fall
97 mobsters of Trump
They're all gonna flip
No doubt about it
See the Trump mobsters they're down going all

Tom Barrack thought he could hide from it all
Spying for Arabs, the git
They're all gonna flip
No doubt about

99 Bottles Of Beer On A Wall

96 mobsters of Trump gonna fall
96 mobsters of Trump
They're all gonna flip
No doubt about it
See the Trump mobsters they're down going all

Rudy Colludy is next guy to fall
He is a mobster of Trump
They're all gonna flip
As this stupid git
See the

99 Bottles Of Beer On A Wall

95 mobsters of Trump gonna fall
95 mobsters of Trump
They're all gonna flip
No doubt about it
See the Trump mobsters they're down going all

Roger Stone pardoned but caught in the plot
He is a mobster of Trump
They're all gonna flip
No doubt about it

99 Bottles Of Beer On A Wall

94 mobsters of Trump gonna fall
94 mobsters of Trump
They're all gonna flip
No doubt about it
See the Trump mobsters they're down going all

Matt Gaetz is fucked, he is so gonna fall
He is a rapists of teens
They're all gonna flip
No doubt about it..

99 Bottles Of Beer On A Wall

93 mobsters of Trump gonna fall
93 mobsters of Trump
They're all gonna flip
No doubt about it
See the Trump mobsters they're down going all

Eastman was raided, he will lose it all
John is a mobster of Trump
They're all gonna flip
No doubt about it..

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