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Mostly here for reparations for descendants of US chattel slavery

Aug 19, 2022, 6 tweets

"I asked Kemi to tell me her understanding of what the “Naija mentality” is. She told me, “Basically don’t act like an ‘akata'"

"He told me growing up akata always had a negative connotation and referred to African Americans"

Sugar Hill - 1993

"We can't work with Akata"
"Akata. Akata. What is this Akata shit"
"Black American. Cotton picker"

"The mere use of the term akata, exemplifies the negative view that African immigrants hold of African Americans. This term describes African Americans as brutal wild animals, which is assumed to be
the opposite of the African immigrant."

Ikey - Akata
"Stay away from the Akata. Stay away from the gangster and hustlers and killers and all the shooting shooting ass n*ggas"

"They also discussed how their parents would refer to Black Americans as “akata,” a derogatory word used to describe Black Americans, suggesting that they are “loud,” “disruptive,” and “lazy."…

The negative connotation of the word #akata when referring to Black Americans is well documented in academic literature and in media yet people continue to play dumb or justify its usage and then wonder why Black Americans are offended

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