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Author, consultant, motivational speaker. Biggest social media slut in mobile. A mAd vidiot, F1 fan, globetrotting digital gypsy 007 wannabe. The T Dawg

Aug 19, 2022, 13 tweets

Trump Paranoia Thread 1/

Trump is now experiencing increasing paranoia, and rage of betrayal. Let's take delight in what pain past few days have given Trump

Paranoia Thread 2/

First up: Allen Weisselberg. Trump's accountant of 40 years worked for Trump's crooked scumbag slumlord dad Fred Trump. Allen was Trump's money man, knew all money matters including not just tax fraud, but Trump's money laundering and all bribes Trump took

Paranoia Thread 3/

Weisselberg just pleaded guilty in Manhattan to 15 counts of criminal tax fraud and agrees to testify against Trump's businesses. That wipes out Trump's businesses. Trump cannot trust anyone about his money - well, he's a #Debtonaire so he doesn't have any

Paranoia Thread 4/

What about Trump's White House Chief of Staff Mark Meadows? Trump paid Mark one million dollars of hush money to not rat Trump out (not Trump's own money, he is broke, this is money from Trump campaign, so it is Maganutter money). Trump thought Mark was loyal

Paranoia Thread 5/

We have speculated for 5 months that Meadows has flipped and is ratting Trump out. His behavior is certainly consistent with a flip.

A few weeks ago we learned Trump own attorneys tell Trump, Meadows has flipped. That is gonna sting

Paranoia Thread 6/

The Mar-A-Lago search was directed by someone on the inside. The DOJ has admitted in court documents, they have an insider. Trump knows, it has to be someone REAL close, like a family member, because of what the DOJ knew (it wasn't Meadows or Weisselberg)

Paranoia Thread 7/

When asked, the two who know Trump family the best, Michael Cohen and Mary Trump both said, they think Jared has flipped. I've told you Jared behavior is consistent with a flip. Also Tom Barrack behavior is consistent with Jared winning & Tom losing that flip

Paranoia Thread 8/

Separately, a week ago, Trump was complaining that Don Jr will go to jail. This came out of the blue? It had to be Trump's own ATTORNEYS who told Trump this. That after Jr did not plead the fifth in NY. Note.. Ivanka did not either. Who is wearing a wire?

Paranoia Thread 9/

Trump home Mar-A-Lago was found to contain 11 boxes of classified government documents. The search warrant was procured partly due to an informant. DOJ told the judge, that informant is also assisting DOJ on an UNRELATED crime (so not espionage/theft of docs)

Paranoia Thread 10/

Immediately after the search of Mar-A-Lago the DOJ filed three new items with the courts. These are three new crimes, Trump had previously not even been investigated for.

Paranoia Thread 11/

And then there is Rudy. Giuliani testified for 6 hours in Georgia under oath. He did not dare to show his face after, and escaped TV cameras by rear exit. The only person Rudy could blame for his criming in GA was Trump. Sounds like Rudy did.

Paranoia Thread 12/

So Trump is having a miserable time. Now with Jan 6th, and Espionage, and the FBI taking Trump's Extortion Files (see my pinned Tweet) - there are Republicans turning against Trump. That will feel like the ultimate betrayal. Trump is seething


To all in this Thread


This Thread about Trump Paranoia has become one of my most-widely-read Threads on Twitter ever, approaching one million reads, in just two days. That is six time more than my total reach. It was because you kindly shared this Thread


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