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Aug 20, 2022, 13 tweets

And next:
Today we release the second part of #ophmgtrojanhorse. It exposes efforts of the UK to undermine situation in Lebanon by using the same methods it used in Syria.

Greetings! We are Anonymous.

Next in line is a company engaged in propaganda ops that we slightly touched

upon in our Taming Syria investigation. M&C Saatchi was in consortium with Albany as part of Syria Moderate Opposition Resilience (MOR) Strategic Communications Project. We consider it our duty to tell you about the company in detail.

We suggest that you closely examine the

files of the company, since M&C Saatchi is one of the leading propaganda firms engaged in covert operations targeting international community on behalf of intelligence agencies.

Pay attention to the political risks of the project:

As you see, local partners receive top cover and there's an air gap between HMG and the programme. The Lebanese don't need to know that they receive 'assistance' from London.

Saatchi Complete bid on CSSF Lebanon Fostering Social Stability through Strategic Communications…

Via the Anonymous Hacktivist Collective

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