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Apr 24, 2024 14 tweets 9 min read
The Manipulation of Reality in Society to Serve the Empire

A breakdown of how organisations like the Psy-Group, the Integrity Initiative, ARC, Albany, Zinc, and other companies work with governments to create alternate realities in order to manufacture consent, and undermine opposition.
This will not only reveal how past operations have been used to construct alternate realities in public discourse relating to international events, but also how the current Israeli operation in Gaza and the West Bank is being framed in the media as a understandable and benign action by Israel.
Excerpts from OpHMGTrojanHorse leaked exposée, and Sage Journals' article entitled
"Propaganda through ‘reflexive control’ and the mediated construction of reality"Image
First let's examine the actions of this organisation as we know them in the Media.
The now defunct organisation was a private firm made up of former Israeli intelligence operatives. It was founded and directed by CEO Royi Burstein, a former lieutenant colonel in the Israel Defense Forces.
The primary service provided by Psy-Group to their clientele was Perception ManagementImage
Sep 9, 2023 8 tweets 3 min read
1. @LauraLoomer's biggest story of a lifetime was lifted from articles I did 2 years ago
The Gateway Pundit did a word for word article
Millie Weaver plagiarized the same for a shorter article
I was contacted by Yacov Appelbaum XRVision to run the ID and background for Dubynyn
/1 Image and the people around him.
Every photo and story is running my work

The story is Ukrainian Azov at the 2021 Capitol riot.

Loomer identifies Sergey Dubynyn through an interview with Jacob Chansely and calls him a spy, but was he?
Chansley didn't think that at
/2 Image
Mar 27, 2023 7 tweets 2 min read
The unrest in Israel has been blamed on US psyops by some, and others blame it on an internal power grab that is opposed by the people. What is the truth?
We may never find out.
But the discussion around this topic is very telling.
A 🧵
"To be an enemy of the US is dangerous. To be a friend is fatal."
As the EU can attest to, the US is never above damaging its allies for the sake of their own geopolitical interests. They spy on, interfere in their politics, and compromise politicians in order to
Feb 21, 2023 10 tweets 3 min read
💥💥Heightened tensions as reports of AFU forces approach border of Transnistria. Garrison response was noted earlier on TG channels.
Transnistria has large stores of Russian weaponry and ammunition. This could bring 🇲🇩 into the conflict, based on comments made by 🇲🇩 officials.
Feb 21, 2023 4 tweets 2 min read
Via Slavyangrad
According to @south_fort's information, there are about 260 trained people from the Armed Forces of Ukraine who can stage a breakthrough of the border from Transnistria toward Ukraine.

To this end, redeployment began today from the Kotovsky garrison 2/
at 20 o'clock with a forced march towards the border with the PMR (Transnistria).
It is planned to organize a "breakthrough" in the area of the settlements of Tymkovo or Stanislavka.

In the Krasnooknyansky district (near the border with the PMR), border guards will be
Aug 22, 2022 15 tweets 6 min read
Next F3 #OpHMGTrojanHorse
Via @mcmastersteve and Anonymous
Be ready by the time we are done today,you will know how the poisonings of Alexei Navalny and the Skripals followed by Bellingcat investigations were parts of secret global operation aiming to change the regime in Russia and you thought taxpayer money for the BBC was supposed to be spent on domestic audiences.
Aug 22, 2022 17 tweets 6 min read
Next Section #OpHMGTrojanHorse
Via Anonymous, @mcmastersteve
Be ready by the time we are done today. You will know how the poisonings of Alexei Navalny, the Skripals followed by Bellingcat investigations were parts of secret global operation aiming to change the regime in Russia Independent' Russian language media in the Baltic States
This is an event from (the day of post) that you will see ties into the following:…
Aug 22, 2022 31 tweets 6 min read
Via Anonymous and @mcmastersteve
About two years ago Anonymous released #OpHMGTrojanHorse
This is another section of that archive which is relevant today. Be ready by the time we are done today. You will know how the poisonings of Alexei Navalny and the Skripals followed by Bellingcat investigations were parts of secret global operation aiming to change the regime in Russia.

This is OP. HMG Trojan Horse. Part 4: Undermining Russia
Aug 21, 2022 17 tweets 3 min read
Looking at the pages of numerous blue check marks is quite a marvel to behold. Rarely do they have anything of any value to contribute to any of the subjects they comment on. Mostly they emotional ejaculations that spit out nonsensical or completely assinine viewpoints on why X should do _____ because Y and Z are insert talking point. Most the people who I follow, and most who follow me, are fully aware that those talking points have little basis in reality. The actions of our governments and politicians are so contrived that little of what we see is
Aug 20, 2022 10 tweets 3 min read
Today we release the second part of #ophmgtrojanhorse. It exposes efforts of the UK to undermine situation in Lebanon by using the same methods it used in Syria.

Greetings! We are Anonymous.

Now we go to the next part of our investigation of the UK initiative to take Lebanon under control - preparing female political leaders. It doesn't seem wrong to support women, does it? Well, there's a catch to it. Bidders follow ARK's recommendations, which means that in this case helping women is just another way to undermine political situation in Lebanon.
Aug 20, 2022 10 tweets 2 min read
When the extradition trial of Julian Assange began on the morning (9.30am UK time) of 7 September we kept our promise to make life difficult for the British neocolonialists who had a choice to release Julian or face exposure of your darkest secrets. Now we are going to expose another intelligence cutout that took part in covert neocolonial operations of HMG. Meet International Alert. It is a well-known 'peace' organisation. Now you'll see whose interests it really serves. Its officials received the TAA from ARK, they were
Aug 20, 2022 13 tweets 3 min read
And next:
Today we release the second part of #ophmgtrojanhorse. It exposes efforts of the UK to undermine situation in Lebanon by using the same methods it used in Syria.

Greetings! We are Anonymous.

Next in line is a company engaged in propaganda ops that we slightly touched upon in our Taming Syria investigation. M&C Saatchi was in consortium with Albany as part of Syria Moderate Opposition Resilience (MOR) Strategic Communications Project. We consider it our duty to tell you about the company in detail.

We suggest that you closely examine the
Aug 19, 2022 86 tweets 16 min read
Anonymous #OpHMagTrojanHorse
We have published the fourth part of our investigation. It contains hundreds of files of the UK Foreign Office and it's suppliers on Russia.The files confirm that the UK is conducting a secret global operation aiming to change the regime in Russia. Poisonings of Alexei Navalny and the Skirpals followed by Bellingcat investigations were part of the operation. UK suppliers in their bids admit that they behind the recent protests organised through Telegram. You will find companies, media outlets, journalists, YouTubers,
Aug 17, 2022 7 tweets 2 min read
Via @mcmastersteve
Years ago we'd call the women of Beregini, the female cyberberkut goddesses. It was Beregini with Rahdit, which is part of FRWL that hacked the SBU and HUR.

RUH8 just before the war began you knew it happened. Have you figured out the how yet? Imagine losing Image your entire foreign mercenary client list with their document details and the addresses of agents and informers. That's got to hurt. it certainly does for the foreign mercs who have their cell phones penetrated.