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Aug 22, 2022, 17 tweets

Next Section #OpHMGTrojanHorse
Via Anonymous, @mcmastersteve
Be ready by the time we are done today. You will know how the poisonings of Alexei Navalny, the Skripals followed by Bellingcat investigations were parts of secret global operation aiming to change the regime in Russia

Independent' Russian language media in the Baltic States
This is an event from (the day of post) that you will see ties into the following:…

Now we are going to tell you about HMG projects aimed at supervising 'independent' Russian language media in the Baltic States. So, we move to the next pillar from the Theory of Change, i.e. to ENHANCE.

FCO Terms of Reference

TORs Independent Media Baltic States v20160411
(Z was added remove to access)

And this is the bid from Albany, a company that you should have become familiar with by now.

Now for the first time you can see specific Russian language media outlets of the Baltic States which are supposed to be supported: ETV+, LTV, LRT, Re:Baltica, Delfi, Meduza, Aru TV, TV Dozhd'.

Apparently, Albany was not aware that other British intelligence cutouts already supervise some of the platforms. Details on that will follow.

Isn't it amusing? Content labs, interactive games, media festivals...

These are the CV's of the team. Note that there's no one of the British origin: a Lithuanian, a Belarussian, a Slovak, a Pole and a Georgian. Maybe it's because they all speak Russian?

But we have to admit that they are not some useful idiots, instead they are conscious assistants to their masters, more like collaborators.

And here are their overseers.

Albany bid on Russian Language Strategic Communication Independent Media (IM)
(Again, Z was added before the ufile address)

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