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Aug 22, 2022, 15 tweets

Next F3 #OpHMGTrojanHorse
Via @mcmastersteve and Anonymous
Be ready by the time we are done today,you will know how the poisonings of Alexei Navalny and the Skripals followed by Bellingcat investigations were parts of secret global operation aiming to change the regime in Russia

and you thought taxpayer money for the BBC was supposed to be spent on domestic audiences.

Here are the CVs.

You'll find some rather interesting people here along with the media specialists, e.g. Will Taylor, who used to work for the FCO, DFID and the National Security Council.

Who needs a degree in film and tv to work in tv? Not these people.

You also need to pay attention to some of the outlined risks that contain statements like 'high likelihood' and 'high impact'.

Well, this is nothing but Western Propaganda! You see that BBC Media Action was afraid that people could understand what it really was. Isn't it ironic?

What conclusion can be drawn after reading the bid of BBC MA? Well, at the very least they should hire a new editor

who can prepare colorful bids like that of Albany... We've got sick of reading through their papers that contain only plain text and tables. Results of their work must also be boring and miserable.

BBC MA bid on Russian Language Strategic Communication Independent Media (IM)
(Again, Z has been added)

The British Council's operations in the Baltic States are well documented: Ensure that Russian speaking communities in the Baltics are socially cohesive, have a strong affinity of each other's, the UK and European Values and culture, and are resilient to destabilising narratives.

Brilliant brainwashing!

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