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#Defi// #NFT / 🪂🪂 //working with @BabyDogeCoin NGC //DC //@WaveAlpha_ @VibinApeNFT// #CryptoEducator //DM for #collabs & #NexonArmy

Aug 23, 2022, 11 tweets

Full steps on how to participate on Arbitrum Nova

Note that This might increase your chances to arbitrum future airdrop 🪂

Thread🧵 On How to bridge + add LP

This is on a Mainnet not Testnet so you need to have some funds on your #Eth

1) add Arbitrum Nova network

2) click on bridge to Nova

3) make sure your wallet is connected

4) bridge from ETH to arbitrum Nova

5) click on move found to arbitrum Nova

Take note:- When bridging it will take 7 day's to bridge back from arbitrum Nova to #ETH so I will advise you to bridge with $5 or $10 depends on you thou...

7) go to #SushiSwap 👇…

8) connect your wallet and make sure your on Arbitrum Nova network, click on trade and select swap

9) select ETH vs USDC and click on swap, you can also swap with other token's if you want

10) click on liquidity and select pool

11) select the amount you want and click on add liquidity, and your good 👏

I also bought and added LP for moon token but I don't think is much necessary,

Moon is @Reddit community point token and they're in partnership with arbitrum Nova

Presently 1 moon token is worth 0.16 and you can also earn it for free if your using Reddit, maybe you can do more research on it if your interested

Next is @raise_fi :- Raise Finance is a cross chain DEX,MEV-protected DEX aggregator on Ethereum mainnet,also built on layer2 solutions such as zksync.

Testnet step by step

1) Visit

2) connect your wallet to #zksync network

3) copy your wallet address and join discord, go to "Testnet-faucet" type in /mint and paste your wallet address, you will receive 100 RFI which is the Testnet token.

4) add RFI contact address to your mm wallet


Click import and add this contract address 👆

5) click on stake input any amount that you want and click on stake, you can also unstake if you want

6) when your done take a screenshot, copy your wallet address and go back to DC, go to "feedback channel" and submit your wallet and screenshot with what you have experienced then after that you will automatically get a new role which is "Raisers" that's all ❤️🤞

Are you earning all this point or I should mind my business?? 🙂🫣

@ShellProtocol @zetablockchain @trustlessfi @StarkDefi

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