High Seas Science Profile picture
90% ocean 10% everything else. Science of life on the high seas. Opinions are my own. Assistant Prof @theEarthCommons. Please bring croissants.

Aug 26, 2022, 7 tweets

Right now UN delegates are deciding the fate of the largest habitat on Earth. Today is the last day of the last negotiation to protect biodiversity on the high seas. So let me show you all we can save... [a thread 🧵]
#bbnj #icg5 #highseas

Baby sea stars look nothing like sea stars. They look like fairies, small and clear with wings to sail through the high seas. When the time is right, a star will grow inside them and drop to the seabed. Protecting the high seas means protecting sea stars...
#bbnj #icg5 #highseas

Blue sea dragons float on the ocean's surface, traveling with the wind and waves. Except for the occasional drift close to shore, they live almost entirely on the high seas. A treaty to protect high seas life will mean we can protect blue sea dragons...
#bbnj #icg5 #highseas

LOOK AT THIS BEAUTY! Blue button jellies drift on the surface. They have no way to move around, and so they pulse thier tentacles to bring fresh food and water to them. We know almost nothing about them...
🎥 bit.ly/35VSzn2
#bbnj #icg5 #highseas

RARELY SEEN deep-sea Cirroteuthid octopus! And it's BIG—1.3 m (4.2 ft) long! Look at that mesh between its tentacles and how it puffs up like a giant octopus balloon! Protecting the high seas will mean protecting mysteries like this.#bbnj #icg5 #highseas

The ribbon jelly looks like living northern lights. They can reach over a meter long, but are so fragile they live only in the high seas. If the UN protects the high seas today, it will be protecting animals like this...
#bbnj #icg5 #highseas
🎥 bit.ly/3iZXyHS

Of course, all the tiny octopus...

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