High Seas Science Profile picture
90% ocean 10% everything else. Science of life on the high seas. Opinions are my own. Please bring croissants.
14 subscribers
Nov 5, 2024 6 tweets 3 min read
Come. Sit with me. The world is wearing you down and you look in need of something wondrous.

Let us consider another reality unfolding right here on Earth, parallel to yours, miles below the sea: let us enter the dark and sparking world of the glitter worm... [a thread] Image Glitter worms, aka sparkling scale worms, were discovered a meager four years ago in two places: on the slopes of active deep-sea volcanoes, and around the bodies of decaying dead whales...
Study: bit.ly/3dIP6sCImage
May 17, 2024 14 tweets 7 min read
Wanna hear a story about an ocean animal that is WATERPROOF, sails, and why I tried to accidentally recycle a bunch of them???? [a thread 🧵]...
Ok, so I'm on this beach a long while ago in California. I'm walking looking for animals. Along the way, I'm picking up plastic. So I'm picking up all these random plastic shards and eventually I'm like ????? [📸 davems ] bit.ly/3exm95Q
May 5, 2023 21 tweets 8 min read
OMG it literally took someone SWIMMING FROM HAWAII TO CALIFORNIA to discover this, but wow did we find something shocking in the Great Pacific Garbage Patch... [a thread 🧵]…
New study: plos.io/3LXY3CC It started when this guy name Ben Lecomte started swimming. He'd already freestyle'd his way from Japan to Hawaii, and now he was going to California. SWIMMING. And luckily for us… benlecomte.com Image
May 3, 2023 15 tweets 8 min read
What's wrong with...

High-seas plastic cleanup
Deep-sea mining
Mesopelagic fishing
High-seas geoengineering?

In our new paper, we discovered a HUGE issue at the heart of these industries. And ignoring it is a risk to all of us... [a thread 🧵]
Study: bit.ly/3p4ZgyP ImageImage @DivaAmon @ashadevos @4kgjerde @HighSeasPolicy @DrCraigMc In 2019 my colleagues and I met in Liverpool to ask a simple question: for otherworldly ecosystems, like those on the high seas, where we know almost nothing, can we estimate the risks of human activities? It seemed so simple...
(📽️surface-dwelling blue button jellies)
Apr 20, 2023 8 tweets 4 min read
Scientists discovered that comb jellies, like this one, don't have brains with individual nerve cells. Instead, their nervous system wraps around their body & is made of ONE GIANT FUSED CELL! ...🧵
Study: science.org/doi/10.1126/sc…
📽️: bit.ly/3MVZVMZ Comb jellies come in so many shapes and sizes, but what they all have in common is being VERY STRANGE animals. When the animal tree first started growing, comb jellies branched off before anyone else, which means they're as different as a creature can be & still be an animal.... Image
Feb 9, 2023 7 tweets 3 min read

This is an open ocean sea slug called Phylliroe. Phyliroe swims like a fish, hunts like a fish, and eats like a fish. This is an example of "convergent evolution," when animals do similar things nature selects similar body types.
...To be more precise, the sea slug Phylliroe is a type of sea slug known as a nudibranch, and is about the size and shape of a goldfish...
Jan 6, 2023 5 tweets 2 min read
A heartfelt note from a Japanese scientist at the end of WWII, asking the arriving Allied Forces at Tokyo's marine station to spare the science lab form destruction. A US captain alerted the Naval base in Woods Hole, and the marine lab was spared.
@MBLScience @WHOI The note was written by Dr. Katsuma Dan, who had studied in many of the marine labs mentioned. The text reads: This is a marine biological station with her history of over sixty years. If you are from the East Coast, some of you might know Woods Hole or Mt. Desert or Tortugas...
Jan 5, 2023 7 tweets 2 min read
Tonight I am thinking about Moon. A humpback whose back was broke by a ship strike. Who swam 4000 miles using only her pectoral fins. Who now resides in the waters around Hawaii, where she will likely die.
More info: theguardian.com/environment/20… Image The thing about science that I love and hate is that it never lets you rest. You want to believe in the savagery of nature but it won't let you rest there because then you see the beauty. And so you take shelter in the beauty only to meet the brutality again...
Dec 15, 2022 5 tweets 2 min read
Come work with me on open ocean bio!I’ve got research ideas (🧵below), but I’m also interested in how I can support yours! Sponsors are required to apply, so get in touch! Deadline fast approaching!

apply.interfolio.com/116657 If you’re interested in community science and science for the public good: we have funding from NASA to build a community science program to study and map life on the ocean’s surface. You can gain skills in scicomm, community development, and decentralized scientific methods…
Nov 30, 2022 4 tweets 1 min read
Do you love organizing people, events, communities, and campaigns? Introduce yourself below!
This is a blue sea dragon, and our volunteer GOSEA community is working to map the range of blue sea dragons on the ocean's surface. Every ocean issue is impacted by the healthy of the ocean's surface. Yet this is also one of the most understudied ecosystems on Earth...
Nov 23, 2022 7 tweets 5 min read
This Thanksgiving, break the ice by telling your family and friends how baby octopuses sometimes ride on jellyfish like little hats...[a thread]
📸 bit.ly/2ZmNZZH ImageImageImage It all began in 1957 when a scientist was SLAPPED by a jellyfish-wielding octopus. He published his harrowing tale in the prestigious journal science, and this is where our octopus story begins ...
study: jstor.org/stable/1710225
📸 Linda Ianniello: bit.ly/3dfSydC ImageImageImage
Nov 22, 2022 9 tweets 4 min read
Having joined the blogging community at the beginning of the End Times, I'm not worried about a massive Twitter crash. I think this could be the start of the slow fade. People will drift away, join other platforms, form new circles in new spaces. It won't die. It'll be MySpace'd. Look at this fossil nerdyness. Once upon a time this article was shared far and wide, in places like Boing Boing and Huff Post. The Doggo Economy was rolling strong and the Noms of food love were upon us. The click-bait gold rush was real...
Nov 18, 2022 9 tweets 4 min read
This strange blue animal gives me so much hope. If this improbable creature can survive on this planet, anything is possible [a thread 🧵]... Meet the waterproof ocean jelly Velella velella, a living sailboat far offshore. Above the waves its skin forms a living waterproof sail. Below the waves blue tentacles pulse and sway to catch food. Velellas have no control...
(🎥 me)
Oct 22, 2022 8 tweets 2 min read
Just gonna throw it out there: are you a social media manager? Do you have a background in science/pop-sci? I want to GROW/am overwhelmed. HALP! I somehow got like 30k followed on Instagram over a few months and now I’m on tiktok and I’m not meaning to boast but legit I can’t scale anymore by myself I’m trying it’s too chaos 😭
Oct 1, 2022 12 tweets 5 min read
The world is in desperate need of some cute right now. So here's a thread of marine animals being adorable.
Video by: bit.ly/2W9d7CO
First up! Look at these baby golden jellies trying so hard! They've gotta swim fast because they're filter feeders, and fast swimming = happy eating!
Sep 21, 2022 8 tweets 3 min read
WHY IS NO ONE TALKING ABOUT THIS?! The Ocean Voyages Institute has removed >200 tons of plastic from the Great Pacific Garbage Patch! ~1/500 of the estimated plastic! Sailors attach trackers to plastic & ships pick it up. Scalable, cheap, eco-friendly!
abc7news.com/ocean-voyages-… Image Large plastic in the ocean can concentrate into hot spots, like dust bunnies under a bed. Follow the plastic to hot spots, and pick it up without catching life in nets. It's kind of brilliant.
Sep 21, 2022 8 tweets 4 min read
THIS NEW PAPER IS BLOWING MY MIND. The bottom line: you have NO IDEA how much you've been impacted by climate change. Here are 7 key takeaways...
[a thread 🧵]
Link: iopscience.iop.org/article/10.108…
Lead author: @DagomarDegroot Image 1. Climate change has shaped our evolution, our biology. Some people died, some survived, some groups mixed and some groups didn't. Climate has changed the way we look. All this has happened before, it will likely happen again... ImageImage
Sep 20, 2022 10 tweets 3 min read
The risks of using giant nets to clean up plastic aside…

This will cost ~ 1 million dollars EVERY DAY to operate. Each system requires 2 ocean going vessels. That’s 20 vessels. Each ship this size, based on the time I’ve worked on them, costs $50k PER DAY…
Sep 9, 2022 4 tweets 1 min read
Y’all— all the jellyfish biologists and coral biologists and sea anemone biologists are at a conference right now and it’s called CNIDOFEST because jelly/coral/anemone string cells are called “cnido” cytes and it’s so nerdy and I love these people so much 😭 Also there is honest to god so much dancing. No one dances like these people. I’ve been to EDC and literally had more fun at cnidofest and EDC was amazing so…
Aug 26, 2022 5 tweets 2 min read
9 more minutes and we'll know if a treaty will happen this week...
#bbnj #icg5 #highseas Still no official news!!! Delegates are now doing a review of each part of the treaty negotiations...
Aug 26, 2022 7 tweets 7 min read
Right now UN delegates are deciding the fate of the largest habitat on Earth. Today is the last day of the last negotiation to protect biodiversity on the high seas. So let me show you all we can save... [a thread 🧵]
#bbnj #icg5 #highseas Baby sea stars look nothing like sea stars. They look like fairies, small and clear with wings to sail through the high seas. When the time is right, a star will grow inside them and drop to the seabed. Protecting the high seas means protecting sea stars...
#bbnj #icg5 #highseas