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Aug 26, 2022, 8 tweets

In honor of #InternationalDogDay, we present the Dogs of WIRED. Our furry friends bring so much joy to our staff in and out of the WIRED office, and we wanted to share them with you.

These are our pups!

📷: WIRED Staff
🎨: @jacqui.vanliew.draws 1/8

Tito - Maltese Poodle (Top Right)/IG: @goodboytitoburrito

Parmesan aka Parmy, Charmesan, Beely Pooneele-French Bulldog (Top Left)

Winston aka Winnie, Cheeber, Pimmy Boy, Pimby McSquims-French Bulldog (Bottom Left)

Uncle Grady-white and grey floof (Bottom Right) 2/8

Tallulah-GSD/border collie + other (Top Left)

Basil-Mini Australian Shepard (Top Right)

Cosmo-100% mini-poodle (Bottom Left)

Theodore "Theo" Alexander Cameron-Mini Golden Doodle/IG @_tamingtheo (Bottom Right) 3/8

George-Italian Greyhound, Chinese Crested, Angel (Top Left)

Roux-Heeler + other (Top Right)

Scooby and Mickey-Pitt bull and Australian Cattle Dog (Bottom Left)

Luna-Golden Retriever (Bottom Right) 4/8

Peanut-1/2 mini poodle, quarter pomerian, quarter chihuahua (Top Left)

Lilo-best guess is pug and Frenchie + other (Top Right)

Shadow-best guess is a mix between a labrador retriever and a border collie (Bottom Left)

Penny Garnet Angel-Greyhound (Bottom Right) 5/8

Boomer-mix between chihuahua, poodle, rat terrier, poodle + who knows (Top Left)

Lou-Long-Haired Mini Dachshund (Top Right)

Luna-French Bulldog (Bottom Left)

Rocket-Corgi/Trash Panda (Bottom Right) 6/8

Larry aka Mr. Pickles-Pit mix (Top Left)

Furio-Shiba/Terrier/Mystery mix (Top Right)

Tobu-Mix between Corgi/Papillon (Bottom Left)

Woodrow "Woody"-breed unknown but pit/pointer maybe? (Bottom Right) 7/8

Zoey-Lab Mix

Frank-undetermined mix of lab/pit bull/other (Top Right)

Zola-Italian Greyhound (Bottom Right) 8/8

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