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Sr. Penetration Tester / Red Team Operator @ptswarm :: Author of Pentester’s Promiscuous Notebook (PPN) :: He/him :: Tweets’re my pwn 🐣

Aug 26, 2022, 7 tweets

🧶 (1/) Reproducing Masky Thread

So it’s a relaxing Friday evening to play with the new awesome #Masky tool by @_ZakSec. I’ll show you here how to reproduce its behavior with #CrackMapExec, #Impacket, #Sliver, #Certify and #Certipy.

Let’s go! ⤵️

#pentest #adcs

🧶 (2/) First things first, I shall enumerate AD CS environment with #CrackMapExec and qwinsta the Victim machine via newly introduced tstool[.]py from #Impacket (thx @nopernik!). For the purpose of this demo I’ll use a DA account to interact with the Victim but any LA will do 👨🏻‍💻

🧶 (3/) I shall now prepare my team server and generate an encrypted Sliver beacon to use it with DInjector 💉

🧶 (4/) It’s all set up now, let’s fire CME with --dotnetassembly options to emulate execute-assembly procedure and get our session. tstool[.]py’s saves the day again with its tasklist feature to get the explorer.exe PIDs 📂

🧶 (5/) Inside the Sliver beacon I shall use the ‘impersonate’ module to steal the victim user token and execute Certify (available as an armory package) to request a brand new certificate on her behalf 📜

🧶 (6/) The last thing we need to do is to UnPAC-the-Hash via Certipy. The command line syntax is pretty straightforward 🤓…

🧶 (7/) That’s what Masky offers, saving us from all these intermediate steps and doing its magic under the hood. Thanks again @_ZakSec for the automatization! 🦾

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