Big Chief Wuggums🪶💖 Spyboy Heri & Xanawu Tribe Profile picture
I ❤️string & making movies! Founder: #KittyTwitter #XCats #ChillTent #WuggieLove #CatCarnivale #BurningMouse #HeavyMetalCats #Wuggstock #mrwuggumsfilmfest etc.

Aug 26, 2022, 9 tweets

Hello furriends, Wuggums here...

It is with great purrleasure that I stand here before mew today at Xanawu to invite mew all to the most incredible experience of love & community.

The #BeIn for #WuggieLove at the #ChillTent starts NOW!☮️💖
#CatsOfTwitter #dogsoftwitter #Anipals

Woohoo! The Chuck Wagon is finally open, yes!!

We've oodles of delights sure to purrlease!
Take a look at the menu & order when ready!

@Angie390460 has all your candy & catnip needs in the wagon to the right😺
#BeIn #WuggieLove #ChillTent #CatsOfTwitter #dogsoftwitter #Anipals

The Mexican feast is going on and the movie will be starting in about 30 minutes...why not stop by the Candy Wagon and Catnip Dispensary to load up on treats for the cinema? I promise mew will not regret it!😻🌿
#BeIn #WuggieLove #ChillTent #CatsOfTwitter #dogsoftwitter #Anipals

The outdoor cinema is open!

We've got a bit of a delay in situating the film reels back at the projection booth, we'll get started by the half hour mark for sure!

Follow the Path of the New Moon to the cinema🌜
#BeIn #WuggieLove #ChillTent #CatsOfTwitter #dogsoftwitter #Anipals

It's movie time!

We've got snacks, drinks & nip everywhere; just hit us up at the #ChillTent & we'll be right there to assist mew!

Now, kick back, chillax and open your minds...


#BeIn #WuggieLove #CatsOfTwitter #dogsoftwitter #Anipals

heri here.. yeah im loves this films!! *grabs seat to watch wif wuggie* #chilltent #bein #wuggielove

Check yeah, bro! Let's get a chillow down in front!
#chilltent #bein #WuggieLove

Everyone's at the #ChillTent #BeIn for #WuggieLove's outdoor cinema!

There's plenty of chillows left - stop on by, the NipFlower Cocktails are outta sight!😻☮️💖🌿🕉️✨
#CatsOfTwitter #dogsoftwitter #Anipals
@Scotty_Bea_Eric @WickerdyWoo @Angie390460 @Pandamokneeum @TwoTabbyTails

Did someone say "NipFlower Cocktails"?🙀

Oh, wait - that was me!😺

Man, that Candy Wagon nip sure is good....😻🌿

Here's a round of NipFlower Cocktails for everyone - cheers, furriends! (((hugs)))🐾💖🐾🍸
#ChillTent #BeIn #WuggieLove #CatsOfTwitter #dogsoftwitter #Anipals

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